As with any ritual, of course, the summer exodus to the Hamptons has its own set of rules.
Just after dark every night, two hyena men begin their ritual at sites just outside the city walls.
He has conducted a mass ritual for Buddhists and met with several lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
Vultures Are Hard to Kill Will a sacred ritual of Hollywood--the script pitch--make it on-line?
Why give a pass to taxpayers who go through some ritual involving a make-believe "exchange"?
In the United States, there has grown to be a mercenary ritual around so-called naming rights.
The great reform promises of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi have turned into meaningless ritual.
And although he professes ritual belief in European integration, he is no fervent federalist.
Ritual 3: Let the past be the past and stop dwelling on the negative.
The Japanese bathing ritual is so complex it takes years of living in Japan to understand.
The almost-ritual negotiations formally start 60 days before the old contract is due to expire.
The figures were also created as ritual offerings to the gods during weddings and festivals.
The parade includes the ritual burning of an effigy of King Momo, a bad spirit.
What is the best way to survive this annual ritual and come out on top?
The Christian ritual takes place on the Thursday before Easter to commemorate Christ's Last Supper.
Previous popes would carry out the foot-washing ritual on Holy Thursday in Rome's grand St.
The 12 people chosen for the ritual would always be priests to represent Christ's 12 apostles.
This has been a late-fall ritual for me here in the city for half a decade.
Using traditional knowledge and ritual practices, the shamans heal, prevent sickness and revitalize nature.
The ritual aspects of makeup, smoke, and unusual typography help everyone leave the quotidian realm faster.
There are rituals imbedded in the game itself, e.g. the kickoff is a ritual.
It's as much of a ritual as those interviews with the prideful 1972 Miami Dolphins.
Champion was also subjected to the hazing ritual known as "Bus C, " it says.
Public anger over bonuses at American International Group is starting to become an annual ritual.
The Eid-el-Kebir festival is an annual ritual that is celebrated by Muslims across the world.
Bemis enjoys the option of adding a Japanese soaking tub ritual before or after a massage.
It's very much a 21st Century ritual, which more and more people will be doing.
Yet something should happen during the thirty-bar postlude that Puccini composed for the ritual.
There's a rare ritual wine vessel from the Shang Dynasty some 3, 000 years old.
My boss at CNET made the idea of doing an obituary an annual Kabuki ritual.
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