The focus throughout will be HELP and the interface between land use and water management, and how we crystallise a stakeholder driven agenda for effective riverbasinmanagement in Scotland.
Nevertheless, its important role has somehow been often forgotten and, as a consequence, there are as yet no examples of the fully-fledged integration of sediment management into riverbasinmanagement.
Within the implementation of the Framework Agreement on the Sava RiverBasin (FASRB), the Sava countries drafted the Protocol on Sediment Management to the FASRB, to provide a legal basis for future cooperation of the countries on the development of the Sediment Management Plan for the Sava RiverBasin (Sava SM Plan).
The course - which connects perfectly to the implementation of the Protocol - aims to train local experts from the Sava RiverBasin, involved in sediment management.
The main aims of this tour are to strengthen Sustainable Development and Governance in the Tara RiverBasin Biosphere Reserve and in the Durmitor World Heritage site in Montenegro and to reinforce the management capacity of the UNESCO designated sites.