One of the essential parts of the river system is sediment, which forms a variety of habitats and environments.
But the river system that covers two-thirds of Australia's irrigated farming land is also suffering from decades of overuse.
The Mekong and its tributaries yield more fish than any other river system.
Aggressive bull sharks are known to inhabit sections of the river system and have killed swimmers in other parts of Australia.
And as fish stock increases, so too will wildlife connected to the river system, including otters, water voles and bird life.
The Murray Darling Basin Authority, a new body charged with saving Australia's biggest river system from expiring, has its work cut out.
The base, which housed peacekeepers from Nepal - where cholera is endemic - had leaking sewage pipes which contaminated a river system.
About 75 percent of the Pacific Northwest's electricity used to create and maintain jobs is provided by Columbia and Snake River system dams.
Last year heavy rainfall overwhelmed the Chao Phraya river system, on which Bangkok sits, and the Thai capital only just avoided a catastrophe.
ECONOMIST: The threat grows from rising water and sinking buildings
And fertiliser-maker Akron is preparing to develop apatite fields in the Khibini mountains, an area used for reindeer grazing above the salmon-rich river system that runs south from Lake Imandra.
We therefore hosted listening sessions throughout the river system, identified industry perceived problems and consulted with Carnegie Mellon University in the hopes of finding tech solutions already invented for other modes.
"The individuals born in the late 1980s and early 1990s should survive in the wild, since the Yangtze river system is large and it has some complicated habitats where the paddlefish could hide, " he says.
The Columbia and Snake River system allows large volumes of freight to be moved with negligible impact on air quality, and replacing this transportation capacity would require use of 120, 000 rail cars or 700, 000 trucks.
His great-grandmother was in Krotz Springs for the great flood of 1927, which inundated 165 million acres, killed 246 people and left another 600, 000 homeless throughout the Mississippi River system, according to a National Weather Service report.
The raindrops blown a couple of miles west of our ranch would land in creeks that percolated through the Columbia River system into the Pacific, whereas the water in Feely Creek, our creek, was blessed with the task of traveling a thousand miles more, all the way down to the bayous of Louisiana before spilling through the loamy delta into the Gulf of Mexico.
Tom Broadbent has adapted the early river waterwheel electrical generation system for use in high-rise buildings.
Recently FORBES took a boat ride on the river and its canal system.
The markets that they generate are more like a turbulent river or the weather system, subject to constant storms and seizures of all sizes.
The council said the sewage system and the River Clwyd have high levels of water from the recent heavy rains, and the sewage has therefore been heavily diluted.
The developer tools are designed for both Wind River products and the Linux operating system.
The Fleet was a typical river for its (pre-sewage system) time, and was regularly used as a dump by the households and businesses along its route.
We put a job training and placement system together that eventually included river bank and estuary stabilization, urban forestry, brownfield remediation and green-roof installation.
He said the new sewer system will help clean up the River Ribble and beaches along the Lancashire coastline from Southport to Blackpool.
We have a weak levy system in California, in Sacramento River Valley, and we've got the potential of a major earthquake in northern California.
This is the first view scientists have had of a fluvial system - one relating to a river or stream -- from the surface of Mars.
For the first time all owners who pay harbour fees on the River Hamble are being issued with forensic property marking system SmartWater.
The Beijing News backs a proposal by the capital's mayor to follow the example of the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions and set up a joint air pollution control system between Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.
But Hurricane Katrina's winds pushed in a devastating surge of water from the Gulf of Mexico that overwhelmed the city's system of levees built to hold back the surrounding Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain.
In New York City, Chinese companies have won contracts to help renovate the subway system, refurbish the Alexander Hamilton Bridge over the Harlem River and build a new Metro-North train platform near Yankee Stadium.
In consequence, the applause was muted when, in his second inaugural speech, Brown bragged that his administration was building an artificial river down the spine of the state and mightily expanding the greatest system of public colleges and universities in the world.