The UK government recommends that tourists avoid certain parts of Belize City, including George Street and Kraal Road, which have been known to attract gang violence, especially at night.
BBC: Central America��s shift in safety
"We direct the principal secretary, health department of Delhi government, to issue directions to all the hospitals, including private hospitals, to attend to victims of gang rape, victims of other crimes, particularly road accident victims, " a bench headed by Chief Justice D Murugesan said.
BBC: Delhi rape: Court says all hospitals 'must treat' victims
Anthony Jewell, 23, of Walmersley Road, Bury, who denied all charges was boss of a gang known as Croxteth Young Guns.
BBC: Croxteth Young Guns gang leader jailed for 20 years
The trio, who previously lived in Daisy Hill Road, Bradford, fled the country in March 2008 after the gang's leader Lubomir Kora was arrested.
BBC: Bradford prostitute rape gang members jailed
Three miles down the road is Carver High, a rough local school which was plagued by gang violence.
BBC: News | NEWSNIGHT | Military academies transcript
The UK side of the gang's operations was led by Miqdad Salih, 38, of Purefoy Road, Coventry.
BBC: Cigarette smuggling gang led by Coventry man jailed
And two other middle-of-the-road parties, the Liberals and the Christian Democrats, both sound as unkeen as Mr Daleus is to gang up with Mr Persson.
UN's secretary-general, Kofi Annan, will soon be on the road too, trying to bring the Security Council back together one reason he refused an invitation to the gang-of-three session in St Petersburg.
ECONOMIST: Post-war Iraq