The company apologised to passengers and said it would provide road transport where necessary.
By mid-November, the central and northern regions will be covered with snow, making road transport even more difficult.
The speed, flexibility and economy of road transport have caused a precipitous decline in rail freight across the world.
Road transport is only one-third the cost of shipping goods to Pakistan by sea, via Dubai, as happens now.
Even some large scale road transport fleets have switched to natural gas due to the cost effectiveness of the fuel.
The firm said it would try to provide road transport or stop faster trains if there was a "significant wait".
BBC: More London Midland trains cancelled over staff shortages
The Belgian Socialist MEP steering the revised directive through parliament, Said El Khadraoui, said road transport had to be made more sustainable.
The A66 and the A19 could be converted to motorway so better road transport is there, and that'd also give better access to TeesPort.
He singled out "road transport" and aviation, with runway expansion and the growth of cheap air travel, as environmental problems that were "out of control".
Air travel is thought to account for just 6.3% of Britain's greenhouse-gas emissions, compared with around 20% for road transport and 37% for power generation.
But we should also point out that there were other clauses in the treaty whereby Austria undertook to increase the rail infrastructure to make up for any shortfall in road transport.
Among those receiving MBEs are Colin Carter, from Woodbridge, for services to road transport and charity, Linda Hoggarth, from Ipswich for work with disabled people and Susan Jay for mental health care.
Christmas Eve on the rail network saw services from London Paddington towards Exeter and the West of England terminating at Tiverton, with limited road transport continuing to Newton Abbot via Exeter St Davids.
Heavy goods vehicles make up less than 2% of all vehicles but they are responsible for a third of all nitrous-oxide emissions, nearly half of all particulates and a quarter of carbon dioxide generated by road transport.
EIU's index measures the relative costs of doing business in 27 economies by compiling statistics relating to wages, costs for expatriate staff, air travel and subsistence, corporation taxes, perceived corruption levels, office and industrial rents, and road transport.
Thousands continue to climb into the backs of the trucks that carry the world's trade across borders, to the fury of the International Road Transport Union, whose members pay fines or even go to jail when their unwanted cargo is discovered.
The right way to deal with greenhouse gases is through economy-wide measures, such as a carbon tax, rather than by picking on road transport, which accounts for only a fifth of all emissions and already pays more in various duties than would be extracted from it through any reasonable level of carbon tax.
The third option is to direct part or all of the revenues raised by above-inflation increases in fuel duties to public- and road-transport improvements.
Road and rail transport to ports can be as important as dockside facilities in moving cargo swiftly, for example.
Mr Begg can also take heart from the fact that repeated public opinion surveys have shown that motorists are willing to pay road charges for transport improvements.
The Transport Committee (at 10.05am) has a double-headed session covering road safety, with junior Transport Minister Mike Penning and then moves onto flight time limitations - the acceptable hours for pilots and aircrew.
The first outcome of this agreement is likely to be new powers for local councils, to be announced in next year's white paper on transport, allowing them to earmark the proceeds of road-pricing schemes for local transport.
The revised application included minimal change to the landscape, reduced noise impact, and proposals to improve road safety and public transport connections, he added.
On Friday a meeting was held, involving road operating companies, Transport Scotland officials and the Met Office, to discuss transport preparations for the weekend and early next week.
He was then promoted in 1994 to minister for local transport and road safety but stood down at the 1997 general election in preference of earning some "serious money" and became director general of the Road Haulage Association.
The government wants to keep both sides happy and believes it can, by combining its road plans with promoting integrated transport solutions.
Simon Spencer, the county council's deputy leader and cabinet member for highways and transport, said road safety was one of the authority's "top priorities".
But if properly managed, the rush of tourists could provide the revenue for improvements to road, rail and air transport that would benefit the whole economy.
ECONOMIST: Tourism could do a lot of good if Vietnam handles it properly
There will be a range of powers to help make London a world class city, including new powers to tackle road congestion and improve public transport.