Locals call it Australia's Hummer capital, though more Mercedes-Benzes and BMWs can be seen than the American off-road vehicle.
Lots of people will need convincing that someone with no sight should be allowed to pilot a road vehicle independently.
And they're also threatened by increasing off-road vehicle use, the recreational burning of oil in these, you know, pristine places.
Hummer, the off-road vehicle that once was a symbol of America's love for hulking trucks, is now in the hands of a Chinese heavy equipment maker.
By early 2003, 106 teams had emerged from the ranks of university students, robot clubs and off-road-vehicle enthusiasts.
Markings from where the vehicle had hit bumps in the road indicated the vehicle was travelling at "excessive speed" as it approached the bend, he told the court.
The Connected Vehicle Trade Association told the News that it expects 25 percent of all vehicles on the road to have vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems by the year 2020.
"We were on the scene fairly quickly and when we got there, we discovered it was a one-vehicle road traffic collision, " he said.
Add it up: federal income taxes, Social Security taxes, Medicare taxes, myriad federal excise taxes (check out your phone bill), state income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, electricity taxes, water taxes, sewage taxes, airline taxes, hotel occupancy taxes (if you vacation or travel for business), road tolls, vehicle registration fees, driving license fees, marriage license fees and marriage penalties (Washington's version of family values is to tax people for getting married), dog license fees, etc.
Its chairman, David Begg, wants to explore whether road pricing could replace vehicle excise duty and petrol duties.
In addition to notebook PCs, another area where WiMAX should have exceptional promise down the road is in the vehicle.
John Nicholls, chief operating officer at SCAS, said that "our vehicle off road rate is too high at the moment".
An elephant in the park attacked the vehicle on a road at 6:30 a.m.
Police want anyone who saw the vehicle on that road on 30 December to come forward.
However, new six-speed gearboxes should help, by matching the engine's speed more closely to the vehicle's road speed.
Lily MacCluskey was taken to hospital after the collision with a 4x4 vehicle on Hillside Road on Tuesday afternoon.
Essex Police said it was investigating the theft of a wheel clamp from a vehicle on Sutton Road, Southend, on Tuesday.
Tuesday's recommendation, if adopted by states, would outlaw nonemergency phone calls and texting by operators of every vehicle on the road.
CNN: Call for car-phone ban likely to meet busy signal in states
"Yes, I parked illegally but this is a quiet side road which had only my vehicle parked in it, " he said.
BBC: Bath driver given parking ticket for leaving car in snow
The car-plane hybrid can operate as a vehicle on the road and with the flip of a switch, wings will extend and the car will take flight.
"We've had a policy in place whereby the green light vehicle is the last vehicle on the road behind the last rider, for 13 years, " said Turtur.
At the time of its introduction, the Explorer was a radical new thing--and its functional name implied that you could take the vehicle off-road, a message that Ford wanted to communicate.
The vehicle systems are capable of tasks such as scanning movement of objects around it, identifying a green light from a red light and measuring the trajectory of the vehicle on the road.
Whether by necessity or choice, U.S. motorists are holding onto their cars for longer than ever, with the age of the average vehicle on the road at a record-high 10.8 years, according to the research company R.
Shortly afterwards, Lovell struck another vehicle on Lower Hanham Road before colliding with Mr and Mrs Simons' tandem.
Two soldiers died after their vehicle slide off a road and rolled down a cliff, state media reported.
When Michael Martin left his vehicle to clear the road, county coroner Robert Gayheart said, a tree fell, killing him.
Police laid out the same scenario for Berry, who was allegedly lured into Castro's vehicle on the same road on April 21, 2003.
When he examined the timings of his vehicle travelling over the road speed markings, he knew for certain he had not been driving too fast.
Bouncing along a dirt border road in an all-terrain vehicle, Col.