In the more isolated corners, brown bears and packs of wolves still roam free.
Elk, deer and wildlife are able to roam free on the UNESCO World Heritage Site, which opened in 1925.
Her new novel Bear Witness tells the story of an activist who fights for bears to roam free in Scotland.
Haggith's new novel Bear Witness tells the story of an activist who fights for bears to roam free in Scotland.
BBC: 'Enthusiasm' for bringing bears and lynx back to Scotland
Officials at a south Wales prison have rejected reports that a proposed hostel for ex-offenders will allow "perverts to roam free".
When monsters roam free, we assume that people in positions of authority ought to be able to catch them if only they did their jobs.
But, like John Belushi and the other pranksters from Animal House, the creatures of Wall Street, no matter how awful their actions, continue to roam free.
Some 40 complaints have been received this year over the seven sheep which roam free in the Clifford's Mesne and May Hill areas of Newent, police said.
And despite its rash of black spots, the region still has swathes of pristine wilderness where the wolf and the bear, long virtually extinct in the west, still roam free.
Dr Garner and his team let each of their mice, 36 males and as many females from three strains commonly used in trials, roam free in two cages connected by a narrow tube.
Some folks prefer to keep their children close at hand by locking them in cages at night "for their own safety, " while more liberal-minded peeps would rather let their progeny roam free and experience the world.
The multinational digger has just confirmed it has let the trucks roam free at the Nammuldi iron ore mine, a hole in the ground located in more or less the middle of nowhere, as the nearest town, Tom Price, is 60km away.
FORBES: Don't Tell The Teamsters: But Driverless Trucks Are Already Here
"For example, hiking in a rural area of the Indian subcontinent where dogs commonly roam free carries a sufficient risk of exposure - combined with potential difficulties in obtaining early, safe and effective post-exposure prophylaxis - to warrant vaccination before travelling, " he said.
Unlike the poultry in commercial farms, which are kept in isolation, these chickens and ducks are free to roam, and contract bird flu.
With no natural predator, scientists say, the crayfish was free to roam from where the Nile meets Egypt's Mediterranean coast, down toward the arid nation's border with Sudan.
Licensees would be allowed to trap the animals in cages and shoot them, or just shoot them as they roam - so-called "free shooting".
BBC: UK public opposed to badger cull, opinion poll suggests
Traditional Corsican charcuterie is abundant all over the island and its distinct flavour comes from the chestnut heavy diet of the free ranging pigs that roam the island.
They will be free, he says, to roam on grassy areas between the sheds.
And similarly, the TTfone Basic Big Button comes sim free and without the capacity to roam the mobile internet.