Now that the U.S. economy is on the mend, Textron has come roaring back.
Wallenda described the difficulties of dealing with the wind and heavy mist from the roaring falls.
Mr. TSHALLO CHOKWE (Performer, Amajuba: Like Doves We Rise): We're like roaring young lions.
American Idol came roaring back Wednesday night, drawing 26.1 million viewers to its tenth season premiere.
Thanks to technology-led productivity, the U.S. economy is roaring with little sign of inflation.
Cal's contingent let its presence be known, roaring to its feet at every chance.
Here, a roaring economy means that no one needs to stay poor for long.
Breathless roadies and roaring trucks have worked hard to make Marshall heard all across the globe.
ENGADGET: Marshall Headphones joining your JCM 900 on November 15
The other thing that has the bears roaring is the valuation of the Russell 2000.
But is it the best way to play the roaring bull market in precious metals?
But the visitors came roaring out of the traps and opened the scoring after six minutes.
The US economy is not roaring, but it is growing and appears to have some momentum.
FORBES: Fiscal Cliff Negotiations Stall; Jobs Report better than Expected
He is also nostalgic for the days when Goldfield was a rip-roaring, hard-drinking, sinful boom town.
When she wasn't on the slopes she was roaring along mountain roads on her powerful motor-bike.
Since the beginning of 1995 a roaring bull market has enlivened margins and returns.
The economy was roaring, the middle class was getting wealthier, and unemployment was rock-bottom.
FORBES: A GOP Oblivious To Its Weaknesses Will Accomplish Very Little
Car wheels make a drumming, roaring sound on cobblestones that adds to the clamour of the city.
In 1992 her breast cancer came roaring back only two years after she'd had a double mastectomy.
What voter is going to blame him for proving it by putting out a roaring tax reform?
Following the announcement this week, Groff said he was welcomed into a PTA meeting with roaring applause.
Despite the Lion City's reputation for lacking a sense of humor, audiences have been roaring their approval.
But I think Mr Romney will leave that to others and try to rise above the roaring.
Previously the BLS estimated that retail employment had come roaring back in the later half of 2012.
But an old green Volkswagen Beetle inches past the plaza, a loudspeaker roaring scratchily from its roof.
Keeping it simple is critical to the suddenly roaring success of Cryptic Studios in San Jose, Calif.
Across the south and central Plains, storm chasers broadcast images of funnel clouds roaring through rural landscapes.
Sounds are what you would expect from a Formula One game -- roaring engines and screeching tires.
"It was a period of booming economic prosperity, the roaring '20s, and very high crime, " he says.
The one that proved Silicon Valley is roaring and ready to prop up the rest of America.
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Until recently the combo of Spitzer and Darren Dopp, his longtime spinmeister, has been a roaring success politically.