"The exhibition was a roll-call of the most important Russian artists at the time, " notes Ms. Mansfield.
Clocks are only one among a roll-call of instruments and appliances perfected by technical wizards over the centuries.
John Cornyn objected to a voice vote, demanding a roll-call vote instead.
At least he got roll-call votes, but nearly every one was defeated by Democrats when Mr. Reid gave the order to his caucus.
Michigan's Democrats still remember 1983, when two Democratic state senators were thrown out of office after a roll-call vote on the state income tax.
With six-year terms, senators have long histories of roll-call votes.
Big financial firms are already difficult to manage: Citigroup this week announced that it was hiring Robert Rubin, the former treasury secretary, bringing its roll-call of chairmen to three.
We saw today a very civil procedure where you have an election and a change in majority, an election of the speaker that took place in just a few minutes' time with a roll-call vote.
More significant is that the list of companies involved in this work has been transformed from a collection of relatively small and little-known concerns, bravely struggling with the elements and unconvinced investors, to a roll-call of some of the biggest names in engineering and energy.
Ms. BOEGERS: If the Obama campaign fails to have a true roll-call vote where the pledged delegates get to vote for the candidate that they were selected and elected to represent, I think people will come out of the convention un-unified, and so the ball is really in the Obama campaign's court.
The bill was approved by the committee by a 29-21 roll call vote that broke down on party lines.
CNN: Disaster Relief, Military Spending Bill Moves Forward In Senate
More conventional, but still huge galleries, roughly 50 feet square, are devoted to the Guggenheim's classic collection of modern art -- Picasso, Braque, Kandinsky, Brancusi, Leger, Miro -- a roll call of the names recent generations have grown up with.
WSJ: New Guggenheim: Art and Architecture as One | By Ada Louise Huxtable
With world-class diving, a fantastic roll call of birds and a couple of marine national parks ( Mnazi Bay-Ruvula Estuary Marine Park and Mafia Island Marine Park), coastal Tanzania is no slouch in the wildlife department.
Louis putting their ninth rookie pitcher on the roster already on June 1st, by the time September call-ups roll around, one would have to think the Cards will be on the leader list.
Rees' roll call of young stars - all of whom are products of the club's hugely successful Academy - is a reminder that Wasps have a huge pool of exciting talent to draw on.
The subsequent surge in Harley-Davidson shares inspired the investor to sell the now in-the-money call options and roll the bullish stance to a higher strike price.
Nor does the US, UK, Germany, the Seychelles - yes, the Seychelles played a key role - or the rest of the roll call.
Yarmuth was the captain of the Democratic team that each year takes on a Republican team in a Ryder Cup-style charity event called the Roll Call Cup.
WSJ: Why Golf and Politics Don't Mix | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport
The measure went to committee (Ways and Means, then chaired by Rep. Rengel) and then to the floor of the House where it was debated on October 7, 2009 and eventually passed with a vote of 243-173 ( you can see the roll call here).
FORBES: If The Health Care Law Is Really A Tax Law, Is It Doomed on Procedure?
Diana DeGette, a leader of the Pro-Choice Caucus in the House, told Roll Call that the amendments represented the biggest restrictions on a woman's right to an abortion that she has yet seen.
Yankee Stadium has liquored-up "bleacher creatures" performing an inane roll call of player names as the game is about to start.
In what became known as the Keystone Initiative, each hospital assigned a project manager to roll out the checklists and participate in a twice-monthly conference call with Pronovost for trouble-shooting.
At its Easter meeting, Chief Pleas rejected a call to create the island's first full-time administrator roll by a vote of 14-13.
But the remnants of a once-thriving mining industry in northern France have now been included in a roll call of the world's greatest landmarks.
Why would Hennessy, who had made such an effort to persuade the university community to embrace StanfordNYC, not pause to call a business-friendly mayor to try to get the city to roll back what he saw as its new demands?