There were nominating and seconding speeches, and then the traditional roll call of the states.
"I won't pay any attention to it, " he told the newspaper Roll Call recently.
He will join a roll call of greats including Stanley Kubrick and Alfred Hitchcock.
The roll call so far includes Demi Moore, Madonna, Gene Wilder, Sir Elton John and Michael Douglas.
Its client list is a roll call of the biggest names in service and hospitality: McDonald's, Marriott, Starwood hotels.
Well, it turns out that Congressional Democrats disagree, according to Roll Call.
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The bill was approved by the committee by a 29-21 roll call vote that broke down on party lines.
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Roll Call, a Capitol Hill newspaper first reported the arrest and guilty plea.
You can see who voted how by checking out the roll call here (spoiler alert: there are no surprises).
When the state roll call was completed at 2336 local time, McCain was declared the nominee with 2, 372 delegate votes.
Roll call votes were selected on the basis of their utility in revealing substantive differences on significant security policy issues.
Yankee Stadium has liquored-up "bleacher creatures" performing an inane roll call of player names as the game is about to start.
President Richard Nixon's staff famously drew up a roll call of his opponents which became commonly known as the "enemies list".
Chief among them was Clinton's call during Wednesday's roll call of the states to give Obama the nomination by voice vote.
The extraordinary nomination began with the otherwise routine act of the roll call, in which delegates cast their vote for presidential nominee.
He said Republicans were originally intrigued by the online voting idea, but instead decided to stick with the traditional roll call format.
CNN: Online Roll Call debuts at Democratic National Convention
The roll call was coming a day after two leading conservatives, Sens.
Schoolcraft's audio tapes of roll call where police brass are calling for specific numbers were played in court, but he did not testify.
The roll call began with Alabama and proceeding through Iowa after Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert gaveled the convention session to order.
Monday, he formally released the more than 400 delegates he won in the early campaign to support Gore in the convention roll call.
But the remnants of a once-thriving mining industry in northern France have now been included in a roll call of the world's greatest landmarks.
The Bleacher Creatures' roll call was loaded with new names because of injuries and the departures of free agents Nick Swisher and Russell Martin.
Nor does the US, UK, Germany, the Seychelles - yes, the Seychelles played a key role - or the rest of the roll call.
By the narrowest of margins, after a breathless and unpredictable roll call, the amendment passes, with most Republicans in favor but many Democrats opposed.
During the roll call on the House floor, Cantor grimaced and shook his head when his name was called out as a replacement for Boehner.
The documentary lingers on the solemn roll call, making the point that members of Nixon's own party had limits to how much they could stomach.
The message was obtained by the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call.
As it is, the most conservative Democrat votes to the left of the most liberal Republican, according to CQ Roll Call, part of The Economist Group.
"I got goosebumps just driving down the road a couple hours after they told me about the trade, and start thinking about the roll call, " Wells said.