Maybe it's time to roll the dice on home prices--with a bet on a price decline.
But the toughest barrier to overcome may be the most basic: Americans love to roll the dice.
Fiennes' ability to roll the dice on risky characters does not surprise the film's director, Gillian Armstrong.
One reason to roll the dice might have been that final pairing of Woods and Fowler, Red vs.
And Netflix will roll the dice on three more original series this year.
Overall, however, investment banks will have fewer opportunities to roll the dice.
He called Graham a "remarkable woman" who was "willing to roll the dice" and play ball on the "largely male turf" of newsroom executives.
If they dont roll the dice, they will never make it against the thousands of others who have already decided to roll the dice.
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Many policyholders are content to simply roll the dice, in hopes that they can save money on premiums and get by with minimal insurance.
The stress is overwhelming, and investors finally race to the Great Casino of Wall Street, decide to go all in and roll the dice.
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Now an article in the Financial Analysts Journal shows just how slim the odds are of coming out ahead with an actively managed fund, and why investors might be willing to roll the dice anyway.
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Robin Williams plays Alan, who was sucked into the Jumanji board as a boy and emerges twenty-six years later when a couple of kids (Kirsten Dunst and Bradley Pierce) open up the game and roll the dice.
Yes, there are abilities, and moves, and you can move your little guy around, but at the end of the day you go up to an enemy, roll the dice, and see whether you win or lose.
"We said, 'We're going to roll the dice and the take chance it will be critically well-received and get an award accolade that would keep it in the ether and, through word of mouth, more people would go to see it, '" says its star Bradley Cooper.
Nothing Chrysler has done to boost efficiency so far compares to the roll of the dice in Toledo.
Who's going to win the next roll of the dice--fixed-income savers praying for deflation, even if that means another Great Depression, or fixed-rate mortgage borrowers praying for a weak dollar?
Its fractured narrative, its seemingly disparate-yet-connected storylines spanning thousands of years, and the utilization of its cast as multiple characters in multiple timelines, was a serious roll of the dice.
In the first open field for mayor in more than a decade, these confessions are a "roll of the dice, " said George Arzt, a Democratic strategist who served as former Mayor Ed Koch's press secretary.
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Because the conventional wisdom about entrepreneurs is that they always leap before looking and bet everything on one roll of the dice, people were surprised by the recent post that argued becoming an entrepreneur is less scary than you think.
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"This is a roll of the dice, " concedes David Hodess, who heads GameFly, the videogame subscription service.
Suppose you have a roll of the dice that will get you a hundred-dollar bill if you land a seven and nothing otherwise.
One memorable work out of four shown in New York by Mr. Maillot's company since 1999 may not be great odds, but there's always another roll of the dice.
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His first big roll of the dice is on Custom, the alias of Duane Levold, a towering Canadian who was the subject of a noisy bidding war last summer between Field and DreamWorks.
Williams, who is overseeing this massive roll of the dice, told pension board trustees Gov. Charlie Crist, Chief Investment Officer Alex Sink and Attorney General Bill McCollum, that this will result in higher returns with lower risks.
Field's first big roll of the dice for shareholders is on Custom, the nom de plume of Duane Levold, a 6-foot-8 Canadian who was the subject of a noisy bidding war last summer between Field and DreamWorks.