There is no Ronald Reagan in a position to cut taxes to stimulate economic growth.
Doug Bandow is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and former special assistant to President Ronald Reagan.
Finally, let's fold the U.S. Department of Education, as candidate Ronald Reagan nobly proposed.
President Bush has not done a Ronald Reagan-like job in explaining Iraq to the American people.
Kuhn says Ronald Reagan in 1980 prepared for just such attacks from Jimmy Carter's team.
Mr. RONALD REAGAN (Actor): (As Professor Boyd) Bonzo, you get down before I tan your hide.
In combining an inspiring sense of direction with political pragmatism, Ronald Reagan did just that.
Didn't he learn anything from the man who appointed him to the job, Ronald Reagan?
Few individuals have had the positive impact on their times that Ronald Reagan had on his.
Before this inflationary era was ended by Ronald Reagan, the cost of oil had risen tenfold.
Not the angry populism of John Edwards, of course, but the sunny populism of Ronald Reagan.
Herein lay the great difference, back in early 1977, between Ronald Reagan and every other politician.
No doubt he hopes it augurs for him what it did for Ronald Reagan in 1984.
So maybe the real question is whether Rick Perry could be another Ronald Reagan.
To recruit Ronald Reagan for the libertarian cause is problematic to say the least.
Of course, Carter was an easy mark for Ronald Reagan, the greatest GOP campaigner ever.
Abstinence-only education programmes have been controversial ever since they were introduced under Ronald Reagan in 1981.
President Ronald Reagan named May 25, the day Etan went missing, National Missing Children's Day.
Nor did Kennedy become timid when Ronald Reagan was in the White House.
In the original version of the movie, the True Conservative was played by Ronald Reagan.
He is the only Republican candidate who talks about economic growth as Ronald Reagan would have.
FORBES: Why Haley Barbour Is A Serious Republican Presidential Candidate
The Mondale- Ferraro ticket lost big time to President Ronald Reagan and George H.
Some in the nuclear freeze movement have even invoked the name of Ronald Reagan.
Thus the reason the Reagans moved from town to town during Ronald Reagan's youth.
Ronald Reagan did the same to his Republican opponents in 1980, including George H.
As bizarre as it may seem, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher conceived a love child.
It was in 1980, the year my dad ran for vice president with Ronald Reagan.
When asked who his favorite economist was, Ronald Reagan used to say Fredric Bastiat.
That would take the top rate of tax down to levels last seen under Ronald Reagan.
You know, like that Ronald Reagan guy the new generation idolizes but is reluctant to emulate.