They can have a root beer float and you can choose from 100 craft beers.
Getting its name from the sassafras tree root originally responsible for its unique flavour, root beer was an exclusively North American beverage until recently.
Big thoughts about Bitcoin bubble up from his brain like the foam on the ice cream as the root beer hits it.
Jones' early hits, such as "Lightning, " "The Race Is On" and "Root Beer, " were in a high-powered, rockabilly mode, but he found his biggest success as a crooner.
He buys me a surprisingly delicious tequila root beer float (I pay him back for that and for his own lunch in Bitcoin later in the day .27 BTC).
And so the other night, I drove by the window of the local KFC and ordered a three-piece chicken meal, all dark, original recipe, with coleslaw, beans and a root beer.
Not long ago I drove by the window of the local KFC and ordered a three-piece Kentucky Fried Chicken meal, all dark, original recipe, with coleslaw, beans and a root beer.
Mr. Ecko, founder of his namesake billion-dollar fashion company, posted a request for a cake resembling a can of Barq's Famous Olde Tyme Root Beer for his now seven-year-old son's birthday.
It is akin to the consumer asking for a Coca-Cola and receiving a tray with unopened, labeled, authentic cans of Pepsi-Cola, RC Cola, Blue Sky Cola, Dr. Pepper, and Sprecher Root Beer, and a copy of Coca Kola: The Baddest Chick, by Nisa Santiago.
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He explained that later in the year when it is in season, he will return to pick the yellow gorse flowers (which have a distinct coconut taste) to use in meat marinades and Thai curries, as well as burdock root, which is popular in Japanese cooking and can be used for vegetable soups or mixed with dandelion to make a root beer-like soft drink.
While candy is getting more beer-like, beer is getting more candy-like, as the craft beer industry, which first took root in the 1980s, matures.