This harmony is most celebrated in the colonias (suburbs) of Roma, Condesa and Zona Rosa.
And Rosa, who is 92, and reunited with Guillermo, is now searching on behalf of others.
And when they met again that winter evening in 1955, Rosa Parks would not be pushed.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Dedicates a Statue Honoring Rosa Parks
"The proposals were, in general, of a high quality" says project manager Rosa Maria Gonzalez.
Officials said Ms Rosa's husband had accidentally fired his spear gun while cleaning it.
So they turned to Santa Rosa, Calif. charitable planner David Harris of Legacy Solutions.
Jenni Rivera is survived by her parents, Rosa and Pedro, three other siblings: Pedro Jr.
Younger folks such as Santa Rosa, Calif. telecom entrepreneur Warren Linney, 39, can win, too.
Gray, the civil rights lawyer in Montgomery who was Rosa Parks' lawyer during the bus boycott.
However, by that time, they already knew that Rosa was seriously ill with diabetes.
After all, Fujitsu just unveiled their lineup of Santa Rosa spec'd FMV-BIBLO laptops.
ENGADGET: Fujitsu introduces their FMV-BIBLO laptops to Santa Rosa
"Rosa Parks's singular act of disobedience launched a movement, " President Obama told today's crowd.
Sergeant GILBERT ROSA (Recruiter, U.S. Army): (On the telephone) Hello, how are you doing, ma'am?
Debbie Rosa, a 59-year-old teacher who splits her time between southern Maine and Port Charlotte, Fla.
He smiles broadly, while his daughters Rosa and Maria lean in close to him.
Ms. ROSA: I don't want to think that I'm just going to vote for a change.
Leonardo da Rosa was dancing when he saw what looked like "a big disturbance".
BBC: Eyewitness: Kiss night club fire in Santa Maria, Brazil
We're not out of the woods yet when it comes to Santa Rosa releases.
ENGADGET: Dell says "us too!" with Latitude D830 and D630 Santa Rosa and AMD models
Councillor Rosa Battle, Manchester City Council's executive member for arts and leisure, said the turnout was "fantastic".
Three hundred and eighty-five days after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, the boycott ended.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Dedicates a Statue Honoring Rosa Parks
She may end up in history books as the Rosa Parks of the shrinking middle class.
Lefty Jaime Garcia (4-1, 2.25) faces Jorge De La Rosa (3-3, 3.52) in the series finale Sunday.
Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman put their lives on the line to make advancements for human rights.
It made landfall on Santa Rosa Island, Florida, on July 10 with winds estimated at 120 mph.
In the meantime, Sergeant Rosa and his fellow recruiters continue to work the phones in suburban Virginia.
In the meantime, the young Rosa and her brother Mario hid in the countryside with their Italian aunt.
Neurosurgeon Allan da Costa said the harpoon came within 1cm (0.4 inch) of killing Elisangela Borborema Rosa, 28.
Santa Rosa said that while he is an expert at the salsa, he can understand the tango's appeal.
The 49-year-old Terry had gone missing during the second stage on Sunday between Santa Rosa and Puerto Madrid.
Individual citizens ranging from Rosa Parks to James Brady have played a key role in shaping our nation.