And when they met again that winter evening in 1955, Rosa Parks would not be pushed.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Dedicates a Statue Honoring Rosa Parks
Gray, the civil rights lawyer in Montgomery who was Rosa Parks' lawyer during the bus boycott.
"Rosa Parks's singular act of disobedience launched a movement, " President Obama told today's crowd.
Three hundred and eighty-five days after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, the boycott ended.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Dedicates a Statue Honoring Rosa Parks
She may end up in history books as the Rosa Parks of the shrinking middle class.
Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman put their lives on the line to make advancements for human rights.
Individual citizens ranging from Rosa Parks to James Brady have played a key role in shaping our nation.
The state also named the stretch of I-55 after civil rights activist Rosa Parks, according to the St.
When we remember and honor Rosa Parks in our own actions every day, her legacy truly will live on forever.
On Wednesday, the President will deliver remarks at the unveiling of a statue of Rosa Parks at the United States Capitol.
In an interview years later, they asked Rosa Parks if she kept her seat on the bus because she was tired.
And that attention helped open the gate through which Rosa Parks rode a bus taking along her young pastor who changed history.
"Rosa Parks" is one of 15 songs on OutKast's "Aquemini" album, which has sold 2.5 million copies since its September 1998 release.
Ms. REAH MCCAUGHLEY (Habitat for Humanity Volunteer): Our aunt is Rosa Parks.
Like the Rosa Parks case, the Selma march decision was a milestone.
And what about the many courageous civil rights leaders who seemingly came out of nowhere: People like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks.
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After work one morning last month, he was stranded halfway from home at the Rosa Parks Transit Center downtown by a one-day bus-driver strike.
But six weeks after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, she could never have guessed how big was the wave she had begun.
Rosa Parks's story did not end with the boycott she inspired.
The statue is close to nine feet tall and depicts Rosa Parks in bronze wearing the same clothes she wore on the day she was arrested.
In December 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested and convicted of disorderly conduct for refusing to leave her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama.
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Rosa Parks would have turned 100 years old this month.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Dedicates a Statue Honoring Rosa Parks
"All of the defendants have the greatest respect for Rosa Parks, but their music, like poetry, is protected by the First Amendment, " says Joseph Beck, a lawyer representing the Atlanta-based OutKast.
After all, Rosa Parks, and so many others who fought and sacrificed for equality and justice of all, paved the way for the election and re-election of the first African-American president.
Let me take you to the legislation that you and Congressman Jesse Jackson have put forth and that is to honor the late Rosa Parks with a statue at the US Capitol.
In America, think of the defiance of those patriots in Boston who refused to pay taxes to a King, or the dignity of Rosa Parks as she sat courageously in her seat.
Although Rosa Parks is remembered as the NAACP organizer who sparked the 1955 bus boycott and helped give birth to the Civil Rights Movement, she was an anti-rape activist long before the boycott.
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One hundred years after she was born and 58 years after she refused to give up her seat on an Alabama city bus, Rosa Parks has a permanent place in the halls of Congress.