Giving birth, like the first days of a company, is often remembered through rose-colored glasses.
But first, take off those rose-colored glasses and be strategic in the way you go about it.
Dispense of Espoo's rose-colored glasses and the case for this middle of the road Lumia becomes somewhat clearer.
But the market has been wearing rose-colored glasses, and I predict it's about to take them off soon.
Perhaps the Google Goggles are too rose-colored: Google has been criticized before for ignoring the possibility of familial strife.
For one, we know Bono is an optimist, because he wears rose-colored glasses.
Before you accuse of me of eschewing cold hard reality for a world view through rose-colored glasses, hear me out.
The only light in the room was street light seeping in through the blinds, and a rose-colored hue from the digital clock by the bed.
Sure the Net's not going away but investors and consumers no longer approach Web commerce wearing the hyperbole-gilded, rose-colored glasses of years past.
Additionally, by tracking your happiness, the app can cause you to continually be looking backward through rose-colored glasses rather than staying in the present.
The true hallmark of EarthLink's strategy is that acquisition prices make sense in terms of the business climate today, not rose-colored projections about the future.
Life partners have an investment in seeing one another through rose-colored glasses, Saltz says, especially if they have a child and are deeply invested in the marriage.
Putting on his rose-colored glasses, Katzenberg believes that within the next 20 years everything we look at, from billboards to movies to cellphone screens, will be in 3-D.
We have a rose-colored view of who we are and what we do, and we aim to behave in ways that are consistent with our self-image as capable, competent, helpful, and honest individuals.
Its just beginning to dawn on the e-commerce community that this demographic has yet to be fully exploited on the web, and analysts are no doubt currently viewing eToys through those particular rose-colored glasses.
Such an attempt would almost be doomed to failure even if they managed to produce several great songs, because the inevitable rose-colored glasses through which too many people perceive their skewed view of history would prevent any modern songs from comparing favorably.
FORBES: 'Oz The Great And Powerful' Review: Pay Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain
If you consider that Haiti is a democracy -- and all those other southern and Central American countries that are struggling with improvements -- are consolidated democracies which includes a free press, balanced security interests and which includes a financial rectitude, and viable parties -- then you look at the world through much more rose-colored glasses than I do.
The guest rose from his place and removed his dirty, sand-colored jacket.