The victory snapped a four-game losing streak for the Nets at the Rose Garden.
That is not to say that all is well in the coalition rose garden.
Clinton first pushed out publicly four days before in a joint Rose Garden appearance with President Obama.
Bush is expected to make a statement with the officials in the Rose Garden at 8:05 a.m.
The Rose Garden appearance followed an address Thursday morning by Allawi before a joint meeting of Congress.
We walked by a rose garden, and through a grove of conical yews, coming to a bed of annuals.
The "community clean-up" of the rose garden at the Plas will take place between 12:30 and 15:00 BST on Sunday.
During these Fall Garden Tours, visitors can view the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, Rose Garden, and South Lawn of the White House.
WHITEHOUSE: You're Invited: Join the White House Fall Garden Tour
His wife, welded to his side through most of the bitter fight against Starr, was pointedly absent in its Rose Garden aftermath.
"Millions of Americans are watching right now, " the president told reporters in a brief news conference in the White House Rose Garden.
One tea, "Meadow, " with actual pink rose petals in its mix, was inspired by walking through the Portland Rose Garden in Portland, Ore.
WSJ: Steven Smith, Teamaker: The All-Star Alchemist of Top-Shelf Tea | Creating
One year ago tomorrow, George W. Bush strode into the White House Rose Garden to unveil what he called a "vision" for Mideast peace.
"The Iraqi government needs to show real progress in return for America's continued support and sacrifice, " he said in the Rose Garden back then.
CNN: Analysis: Bush buys time with speech full of contradictions
He went back to the negotiating table with the Rose Garden creditors and worked out a deal to buy back the arena in 2007.
He foreshadowed his possible response during a Rose Garden news conference on April 2, as the court prepared for private deliberations on its decision.
We've got folks here in the nation's Rose Garden who represent the community-based programs and faith-based programs, firefighter and police associations, local business and nonprofits.
You can't do much in the Rose Garden that's not publicly seen, but I will -- I have no idea what they were talking about.
At this morning's ceremony in the White House Rose Garden, Judge Mukasey said he's always had respect for the men and women of the Justice Department.
His son Charlie Caroli junior said it was fitting that the statue has been placed in the park's rose garden which his father liked to visit.
He tried to renegotiate with the Rose Garden's creditors, maneuvering to get out of the deal by offering less than half of what note holders demanded.
On his remarks yesterday in the Rose Garden, does he object as strongly to the modified Arizona immigration law as he did to the original one?
The property has a rose garden, stables, guesthouse and pool.
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Later in the afternoon, the President will hold a joint press conference with Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada and President Felipe Calderon of Mexico in the Rose Garden.
About two months later, on June 15, Mr. Obama announced a directive in the Rose Garden designed to help illegal immigrants who had been brought to the U.S. as children.
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At the ceremony to announce the award at the Rose Garden Arena, the smartly dressed guard spoke about his upbringing in Oakland and how it shaped him as a hard-working player.
"This is their moment, this is our moment, to live up to the trust that the American people have placed in us, " Obama told reporters in the White House rose garden.