Each of the elected officials is usually on duty for a week on a rota basis.
Its men manage to draw up a rota for front-line duty and joint operations.
Some mornings I would look at my rota and there would maybe be 15 calls on there.
The jobs involve dropping in to support several different people in one day, working on a rota and a shift system.
BBC: Firm in 100 new carer jobs boost for Edinburgh and Lothians
He said in future scientists might be put on an on-call rota so queries could be answered in a timely fashion.
The chief executive of the East of England Ambulance NHS Trust (EEAST) has announced his retirement, following union anger over cuts and rota changes.
The ships, upon arrival in Rota, will bring with them about 3, 000 US military personnel and family members, essentially doubling the American community there.
Five U.S. troops wounded in combat arrived this week at a U.S. military field hospital at Rota, the first such casualties sent to the hospital.
Mr Barton said schools in Iraq worked on a rota system, with girls and boys along with staff members swapping half way through the day.
They have a rota for guarding the settlement round the clock.
There was also considerable widening of the course rota with Troon added in 1923, Royal Lytham in 1926, Carnoustie in 1931 and Prince's the following year.
BBC: SPORT | Golf | The Open 2003 | History | The Great Triumvirate and inter-war years
Mr. Gatewood returned to Northern Virginia from Marine Support Battalion, Rota, Spain during July 1987, and retired from active duty at the rank of Master Sergeant.
Having paired up, a male and female devise a rota: one sits on the eggs for up to five days, while the other walks back to the sea to feed.
Though full-time firefighters work a 42-hour week, much of it at night and at weekends, their four-days-on, four-days-off rota allows them, with permission, to supplement their salaries with a second job.
The attack--like the assault on the USS Cole in a Yemeni port--was scheduled to take place as the two aircraft carriers would have readied to moor at NATO's Rota navy base near Cadiz.
Dywedodd Ms Kirrane wrth aelodau'r pwyllgor fod angen wyth neonatolegwyr ar rota llawn er mwyn darparu lefel diogel o ofal, ond dim ond un ymgynghorydd sydd ar draws gogledd Cymru ar hyn o bryd.
The investigation is in its early stages, but Spanish security services have said that the men were most likely plotting to attack the joint U.S.-Spanish naval base at Rota or British interests in Gibraltar, according to Reinares.
Spanish security services believe another target of the alleged terrorist cell may have been a joint U.S.-Spanish naval base in Rota, Spain, near where they were based, and have not ruled out other possible targets in Europe.
In Madrid, he discussed the four Aegis ships that will this year be deployed to Rota, a US naval base on the southern coast of Spain, as a sign of the strong military alliance between the two countries.
Our system of working is that there are 48 pilots in Liverpool and we're divided into groups and in each group there are 6 pilots and we have a rota system which basically means that we work for 10 days and have 7 days off.