He had surgery in August to repair a capsule tear and remove debris in his rotator cuff and biceps.
The most popular orthopedic procedures, including back, knee and rotator-cuff surgery, are growing at 10% a year or more.
The rotator cuff, a group of tendons and muscles connecting the upper arm to the shoulder blade, is also important to paddling.
Team doctor Christopher Ahmad said that the lack of damage to the nearby rotator cuff indicates Pineda could have a full recovery.
He had bad news: Sharapova had two tears in her rotator cuff.
Nineteen controls received two treatments, four weeks apart, of dry-needling, which involved inserting an acupuncture needle into rotator-cuff tissue to stimulate healing.
WSJ: The Research Report: How to Treat Burns With Running Water
As a result, you end up holding the body with your right hand, and the flash in position on the rotator with your other.
FORBES: Ray Flash Rotator Clumsy to Use with Too Many Moving Parts
More than half of the U.S. population age 65 and older has disabling rotator cuff conditions, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
WSJ: The Research Report: How to Treat Burns With Running Water
House said the key to keeping a quarterback healthy and mechanically sound is to keep the oft-ignored decelerating muscles, generally called the rotator cuff, stronger.
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She built the social enterprise on her technology, the SunSaluter, a cost-effective solar panel rotator she developed which she says increases the efficiency of solar panels.
The Ray Flash Rotator comes in a relatively flat box with eight parts, only six of which you need (the extra ones are for accommodating different camera sizes).
FORBES: Ray Flash Rotator Clumsy to Use with Too Many Moving Parts
Harris' injury has been diagnosed as a torn rotator cuff.
BBC: SPORT | Cricket | Other International | Ponting breathes sigh of relief
While Andrews was at the Hughston Clinic in 1985, a rookie pitcher named Roger Clemens came to him with an injury to the rotator cuff of his right shoulder.
Most gyms have a seated fly machine that uses the forearms as a pressure point to avoid all gripping, and the depth of the motion can be adjusted to reduce rotator cuff stress.
CNN: What kind of strength work won't aggravate rotator cuff issue?
Overall, the Ray Flash Rotator is worth passing.
FORBES: Ray Flash Rotator Clumsy to Use with Too Many Moving Parts
He has suffered a number of injuries over the past few years, most notably a rotator cuff problem in 1997, and does not think his body is capable of meeting the demands of five-day cricket on a regular basis any longer.