In 1859, Hellman emigrated from a small town in Bavaria to the rough-and-tumble settlement of Los Angeles.
Potter around rough trails on foot or by bike, breaking with a picnic lunch and a dip.
Long-term holders who stayed aboard through rough times haven't been compensated for their patience.
Now, mind you, this is all a rough estimate and this statistic is very, very noisy.
Rough hulls of young wood suffuse the workshop with a rich and resinous fragrance.
We have remained true to each other - through many of the rough times.
These days, a person doesn't really need to rough it if they don't want to.
To find out, my Tax Policy Center colleague Rachel Johnson crunched some rough numbers.
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Whoever wins the bidding next year looks, then, to have a rough road ahead.
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These days well-traveled visitors have begun to absorb its allure--rough old Maremma has been primping up.
Son of Polish immigrants, he grew up in a rough neighborhood north of the Loop.
The sanctity of mortgage obligations has become the rough moral equivalent of the 55-mile-per-hour speed limit.
The American Dream remains resilient (and changing), but we are in a very rough patch.
Privacy Settings remain pretty rough, albeit less so than one or two years ago.
The technology is a prototype so it's still a bit rough around the edges.
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They know that some times have been rough, but maybe not how rough .
The job of attempting to predict price performance, especially in these markets, has been pretty rough.
Now, the problem is, that leaves counties like Los Angeles County in a really rough position.
That's what makes this rough for Rose, who tore his ACL in last year's playoffs.
His rough ideas for the layout were accepted, and then politics and horse-trading took over.
Third, free trade is in for a rough time because of the global economic downturn.
It has been a rough year for many companies testing new Alzheimer's disease drugs.
The initial reaction to the results was rough, with shares falling 1.2% in after-hours trading.
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But it's nice to hear, 'I've been through this, I imagine it's rough on you.
Stocks had a rough Thursday, but commodities are now in a bear market, reports Bloomberg.
In ancient Mesopotamia the rough Semites attacked and eventually overcame the wealthier, more sophisticated Sumerians.
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The public perception of Denver at the time was of a rough-and-raucous, Wild West town.
If the realty downturn really gets ugly, Schwartzman may be in for a rough ride.
Godrich is still a rough and ready place with a potholed earth track running through it.
However, it is not able to land at Kandahar because the field is too rough.