Buffalo forward Nathan Gerbe tried to rough up Giroux along the back boards with hits to the back and head.
What has made Ryanair so disliked, even by customers who continue to fly with it, is Mr O'Leary's tendency to rough up anyone who comes within range.
Rhodes slashed production 40% and the price of rough shot up.
So did Danica Patrick, who had a rough follow-up to her breakthrough week at the Daytona 500.
Forecasters predicted thunderstorms and rough seas of up to 7 feet for waters between Florida and Cuba.
Yet there is also one hurdle for Vodafone: the PrimeCo joint venture, if Bell cuts up rough.
Graff's wholesale business allows him to cut out the usual middlemen--the brokers, polishers and manufacturers who each take their slice as a rough stone moves up the jewelry chain.
Daly still holds the tournament record for lowest score with his 2001 winning total of 27-under-par 261, but since then, organizers have thickened the Munich Eichenried rough to toughen up the course.
That went and I ended up sleeping rough in York and I progressed into the criminal scene, and ended up in a real mess.
The Canadian dollar, having dipped sharply, is back up to rough parity with the greenback.
LS3, a dog-like robot, trots behind a human over rough terrain, carrying up to 180kg of supplies.
With black bin liners around his feet to avoid leaving prints, he carried them up the rough track.
Demonstrating the ability, and the inclination, to write well is a rough equivalent to showing up in a black Mercedes.
Small dealers in Bogota say Mr Carranza and his associates have been holding back rough emeralds, pushing up the price and forcing them out of business.
They should be prioritised on social housing waiting lists and government first-time buyer schemes, and there should be increased funding to adapt homes for wounded personnel and to stop so many ending up sleeping rough, said Grant Shapps.
At Big Sur, it climbs up the rough volcanic ranges, carving around cliffs with sheer drops to the thrashing ocean below, and leads on to the silver-grey foreshores of San Simeon, where elephant seals parp and loll, wriggling to inch themselves up the sand as the frothing tide approaches.
That may not be particularly rough for a stock up more than 44% over the last 12 months, but it is an indicator of the high expectations the market has for housing-related stocks after a big 2012, and the potential pain when those expectations are not met.
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Son of Polish immigrants, he grew up in a rough neighborhood north of the Loop.
It's a bit like golf, really: even well-hit balls can end up in the rough.
It slices and barely misses a small pond, ending up in the rough, 30 yards behind a copse of trees.
Growing up on the rough streets of 1970s New York City, Jeff Gomez told stories to keep from getting bullied.
Max Roach was born in a North Carolina town founded by freed slaves, and grew up in a rough Brooklyn neighborhood.
Working with MGM's head of design, Murren came up with a rough sketch of how a city could fit on the land.
But the Big Society has come up against the rough business of cuts: to shrink Britain's gaping fiscal deficit, the government is implementing drastic reductions in public spending.
Josh grew up in a rough neighborhood of Oakland, Calif.
FORBES: Global Citizen Year Creates Social Enterprise Leaders
He worked his way up through the rough-and-tumble rank-and-file of the former ruling United National Independence Party to the governorship of Lusaka in 1985, where he made his mark as an action man.
We have come up with a rough measure, along the lines of the "cash flow" used by analysts to evaluate companies with heavy plant-and-equipment outlays--cash flow here referring to the sum of earnings and depreciation.
These days well-traveled visitors have begun to absorb its allure--rough old Maremma has been primping up.
It added up to a somewhat rough-and-ready take on French country chic emphasis on the rough.
Left unchecked, the next decade is shaping up to be a rough one for Harry and Louise.