The company said its new round-the clock service was to "support shift workers and the night-time economy".
These actions, which Durand described as "non-compliant" and "unacceptable, " made it difficult for guards to do "round-the-clock monitoring" throughout the facility.
Obama's communications gifts are powerful and poetic -- but round-the-clock campaigning on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno, " "60 Minutes" and this press conference won't save bad policy.
One facet is to minimize the power-storage function needed for round-the-clock usage.
After two weeks of mind-numbing debate, including two final days of round-the-clock haggling, world leaders have reached a deal at the U.N. climate talks in Durban, South Africa.
He also said there had been some success with the use of "guardian angels" - Nato soldiers who provide a round-the-clock armed guard for their colleagues while they are training their Afghan counterparts.
In 2005, England and Wales ushered in the era of never-ending beer drinking by granting licenses allowing pubs to serve liquor round-the-clock.
Her parents, Jackie, 41, and Keith, 42, of Croydon, who also have a 12-year-old son, are round-the-clock carers.
Only those with needs classed as severe or substantial will be entitled to help - that basically means you need round-the-clock help.
Among the new fare: four pay-per-view Cineplex movie channels, including America's Home Box Office, six round-the-clock news services and coverage of major sport events.
How exactly, for example, does Sir Mervyn think you could agree to restructure the private debt that is causing so much trouble, in an era of 24-hour news and round-the-clock leaks?
Three HH-65C helicopters from Coast Guard Air Station Houston rescued more than 20 people and were continuing to fly round-the-clock rescue missions until weather grounds them, said Petty Officer Renee Aiello, a station spokeswoman.
"I feel deep sympathy and admiration for the Cedillo family, " Special Master George L. Hastings Jr. wrote in his ruling in the case involving 14-year-old Michelle Cedillo, who cannot speak, wears a diaper and requires round-the-clock monitoring in case she has a seizure.
For Buck the breakthrough represented the payoff for three years of round-the-clock work in the lab at Columbia.
Limiting the tobacco industry's future liability was one of the main sticking points during round-the-clock negotiations over the weekend.
Among the likely reasons for the ascension of Tim Cook, the hardworking operations guy who succeeded Jobs at the time of his death: his attention to detail, passion for the product and round-the-clock commitment to the job.
These days, the only round-the-clock operations in Eastport are the nursing home and the assisted-living facility.
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The GOP-hopeful would, instead, depend more on the fossil fuels that provide round-the-clock electricity generation.
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The advent of the internet and round-the-clock television and radio news channels means the BBC correspondent has no escape.
The complex runs completely on solar power, courtesy of 150 Sanyo solar panels that provide round-the-clock electricity. ("We fire up the generator once a month just to see if it works, " Derek Joubert says.) Construction materials were chosen through an environmental audit: The furniture is made from Indonesian mahogany uprooted by the 2004 tsunami.
To cater for the millions of pilgrims expected there are 14 temporary hospitals, 243 doctors deployed round-the-clock and more than 40, 000 toilets have been built for the pilgrims.
The exclusive Club level on the 53nd floor provides round-the-clock food and beverage offerings for those unable or unwilling to descend to the cacophonous Roppongi entertainment district at street level.
However it emerged that he had taken the services of a round-the-clock driver and a limousine, an expensive perk for which he never paid taxes, after leaving the Senate in 2005.
ECONOMIST: Tom Daschle: The importance of being sinless | The
Nevertheless, the station had round-the-clock scheduling with mostly local hosts on a variety of sports topics.
The valley has been under an almost round-the-clock curfew for more than a week.
Caregivers are often overwhelmed and being on call round-the-clock leaves their patience in tatters.
Execs may also hire round-the-clock bodyguards for their family, similar to those used by celebrities.
She was taken to a Coleraine vets, where, after three months of round-the-clock-care, Phoenix pulled through.
Yet weary farmers in Mikumi village were ready to try alternatives to round-the-clock crop surveillance.
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The NYPD is not being tremendously forthcoming about what the round-the-clock, massive surveillance program entails.