Rounding out the motion controls is strafing, which can be done by tilting the controller left and right.
For astute handicappers, that was a sign that the colt was rounding into top form.
Even if it flopped, this expensive experiment would be almost a rounding error to Toyota.
It was joined by the BRIC countries and the U.S., rounding out the top six places.
Rounding out the top 10 list were the names Pamela, Ann, Cheryl, Linda, and Janet.
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Mike Carvill made the breakthrough for Wrexham after the break by rounding Newport goalkeeper Mark Ovendale.
The remaining 84% (due to rounding) web traffic is either from desktops or laptop computers.
My fear is that if women continue rounding down, they will perpetually reinforce an established script.
In the past, companies had to spend months rounding up willing volunteers to gather their feedback.
Rounding out the top five, office clerks will see 489, 500 new workers by 2020 (from 2010).
It says fair rounding practices have been respected in other countries that have eliminated low-denomination coins.
Even better: Someone else is doing the work of rounding up likely customers for her.
So bad that rounding 23rd Street and Broadway I can count on getting cut off.
We need them in a sense to cooperate in rounding up people within Pakistan.
And that inflation is now rounding on some developed economies, giving them the prospect of stagflation.
Rounding up the top ten biggest dollar gainers: the three Mars siblings: Forrest Mars Jr.
Rounding out the top five are the University of Oxford and the University of California, Berkeley.
For me rounding the first turn meant creating the core of this new company.
Rounding out the podium was Spain's Oscar Pereiro in second and Germany's Andreas Kloeden in third.
Focus on its user base and sell more discs or concentrate on rounding up new customers?
It was followed by the Asia-Pacific region, with Europe rounding out the top three.
Note: We use simple rounding to distribute the delegates, based on popular vote percentages.
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Rounding out the top five is Shia LaBeouf, who topped our list last year.
Rounding out the top three is the U.S. Department of Defense, with a score of 4.14.
Rounding out the top five: Mexican telecom titan Carlos Slim and Russian oil magnate Vagit Alekperov.
Rounding out the top three is Statoil, a Norwegian oil and gas company.
Rounding out the year's gainers, commodities like carbon and coffee each jumped more than 15%.
Rounding out the lot are the decidedly more ordinary Vodafone Sting, Shilpa, Quincy and, our personal favorite, the Larry.
Rounding out the Scandinavians is Finland, just a few steps behind in the seventh spot.
That is when they assemble in Cologne for a summit rounding off the German presidency.