Police also found a disposable razor and a small rubber ball in his possession.
Of course, whacking the little black rubber ball repeatedly isn't the same thing as knowing how to play the game.
Now, this did little to console the boy who was crushed, because, after all, what was I going to do with a rubber ball?
On the sidewalk during the long vacation months we played a new game called "I Declare War, " using a cheap rubber ball and a piece of chalk.
It turned out that the handle had compressed the eyeball in and pushed it up in the socket (think about squeezing a rubber ball), but it remained attached.
The opposing sides, of five players each, take turns serving the four kilogram rubber ball and thereafter trying to move the ball up the field, hitting it only with the hip or upper thigh, which are protected by special garments.
We don't usually think of "Brokeback Mountain" director Ang Lee as an effects filmmaker, but he gave us the romantic swordplay above swaying bamboo forests in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and, less happily, "Hulk" bouncing across the desert like a rubber ball.
In the same way that there's pleasure in making contact with a tennis ball, in bending the laws of physics to your will, there's something about throwing and catching the small, rubber lacrosse ball.
Because natural rubber is now scarce in Mexico, and the process of making a ball takes about 30 hours, the supply of balls is constraining the spread of the game.