If we compare the base-rule value just calculated with the actual base growth rates experienced recently, we see that the base rule calls for a slightly more expansionary monetary policy than that of the past few months.
''If the new government could achieve significant progress both in domestic and diplomatic fronts, the Liberal Democratic Party would secure a solid base for its rule and may smash the circle of frequently-changed governments.
Both are following the usual French political rule: spend the first round securing your base, then tack frantically back towards the centre in the second.
He noted that many people in the eastern part of the country feel marginalized after decades of underrepresentation and neglect during the rule of strongman Moammar Gadhafi, whose power base was centered in the capital city of Tripoli.
Girardi wanted the hit changed to a ground-rule double, and the runner returned to third base.
There is a well-established relationship, called the McCallum Rule, between the growth rate of the monetary base and the growth rate of NGDP.
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Ankiel was credited with a ground-rule double leading off the seventh on a ball down the third-base line that appeared to glance off an usher's leg before hitting a railing.
Various rules have been proposed, including a price-level rule (zero inflation), an inflation target rule (2 percent inflation), a nominal GDP target, and a Taylor rule designed to control the growth of nominal income by controlling the monetary base.
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But the original tribunal backed Investec's view that it was entirely within its rights to pay Mike Savage and Mathew Horsmann a higher base salary and a bigger bonus, saying it could not rule on the City's notoriously secretive bonus system.
If anything, the rule of thumb is to avoid risking an out in exchange for an extra base in that situation.
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The latter rule potentially affects developers like TweetDeck, whose application has helped Twitter grow its user base since its early days.
Applying the McCallum Rule to the conditions of late 2008, the Fed would have targeted to increase the monetary base by 6.32% during 2009 in order to produce 5% NGDP growth.
FORBES: This Economic Recovery Is Surely Different: It's FUBAR*