His prime example of a ruling class Republican is the first president George Bush.
But even among the countries that uniformly support equality, men remain the ruling class.
An interesting little insight into how the ruling class works over here inside the European Union.
His replacement of the traditional ruling class with a foreign aristocracy also caused much resentment among the English nobility.
Ever since the Mexican revolution of 1910, the attitude of the country's ruling class towards Indians has been contradictory.
ECONOMIST: The Mexicans treated as aliens in their own country
Ned Kelly, a Robin-Hood-like folk hero, represented the struggle between poor rural Irish Australians and the repressive British ruling class during and after transportation.
He accuses the ruling class of purposely spending the US into insolvency.
Ethnic friction arose when colonial Belgium built an alliance with Tutsi leaders, a ruling class that was overthrown by Hutus in 1959.
FORBES: In Global Arms Trade U.S. Taxpayers Enrich Russians Who Enable Mass Atrocities in Syria
He could not wait to see if he would succeed Buffett in order to become a member of the ruling class in America.
FORBES: Berkshire's Sokol Should Have Sold Lubrizol Before Pushing Deal With Buffett
Mr Guriev suggests that the reason Russia has failed to modernise is that its ruling class can pocket rents from things as they are.
Of course, baseball's recent ruling class isn't yet willing to surrender, even if an Eastern Division team hasn't made the World Series since 2009.
Evans's restorations, while intended to preserve the Minoans' unique architecture, also reflected his imaginative theories about the luxurious lifestyle of Crete's prehistoric ruling class.
Though the latter were never entirely comfortable with the emerging Democratic ruling class, their big business constituency pressed them to be their advocate to it.
Independence came, or was won as in Algeria, and the ruling class in the Muslim world made a bid to establish political order and engage with tasks that Smith described.
For the first time since King Hussein revoked their citizenship rights, today there appears to be a willingness among members of Jordan's ruling class to engage in discussion toward reinstating them.
The ruling class in Angola is another promising market.
ECONOMIST: Persuading Africans to switch from beer to Scotch
Nearly three years of a government of national unity has blunted the opposition's edge - the MDC has seamlessly become part of the ruling class, in their official vehicles and trappings of power.
From this vantage point, Codevilla was able to get a close look not only at the international relations elite, but at the entire American ruling class, from which the former are overwhelmingly drawn.
Codevilla predicts that a clash between the ruling class and the ruled in the US is just a matter of time, although he makes scant predictions or recommendations for how that clash will play itself out.
The likes of Baker, Scowcroft, Brzezinski and Hamilton and their students comprise a permanent Middle East policy ruling class that endures regardless of who is in power and what their actual views about Middle Eastern realities happen to be.
The implication is that, unlike Mrs Arroyo and Mr Aquino (both children of presidents), Mr Villar does not belong to a ruling class that buys financial support with political favours, and that he is wealthy enough to rise above the temptations of corruption.
Given that most Americans support a strong Israel and view Israel as a vital US ally in the Middle East, they would be hard-pressed to maintain their failed and unpopular policies if they weren't amply assisted by their counterparts in the Israeli ruling class.
An initial version of the law presented to the parliament, known as the General National Congress, would have been an entire ruling class from politics, even figures who had minor posts or left the government decades before the uprising against Gadhafi began in early 2011.
When Britain, the colonial power, left Nigeria, it handed authority not to traditional rulers, who were viewed as having some legitimacy, but to doctors, lawyers and the horde of literate hustlers who did well in the British bureaucracy and the British army and now make up Nigeria's ruling class.
One immediately recognizes that Ivy style is a nexus of converging influences, all of which reinforce an unspoken ideal of ruling-class privilege.
WSJ: Ivy Style | Museum at FIT | Dress Codes | By Laura Jacobs
In its 20-page appeals petition, the big investor group argues that Judge Pauley made a mistake in ruling that the Class Action Fairness Act gives his federal court jurisdiction over the settlement proceeding.
FORBES: Big Investment Group Moves To Protect Its $8.5 Billion Settlement With Bank Of America
They asked whether an arbitrator could be impartial when his fee would be greatly magnified by ruling in favor of a lengthy class action, instead of merely deciding the individual case in front of him.
FORBES: Supreme Court Shows Skepticism About Class Arbitration
In the late Heian era (893-1185), when the book is set, the ruling Fujiwara clan of upper-class commoners (to which Murasaki belonged) would send their daughters to court at Kyoto, hoping that one would give birth to a crown prince and ensure their control of the imperial power.
ECONOMIST: Millennium issue: The tale of Murasaki Shikibu | The
In that suit, the Kings County Superior Court judge denied the request for class-action status, ruling that Microsoft had taken sufficient care to ensure its product worked as advertised, and threw the suit out of court, Murray said.
CNN: Microsoft hit with Windows-related class-action lawsuit