September quarter margins also run a risk from impact due to education pricing discounts, he contends.
Those who stick to fine arts still run a risk of starving in a garret.
Many hoped that the giant clinical trial--the biggest of its kind--could help settle whether these drugs run a risk of causing heart problems.
Since wrongdoers typically worry most about being caught, they need to be persuaded that they run a risk of being found out and punished.
Countries that rely on other nations to buy their debt run a risk of becoming beholden to their creditors and having to trade sovereignty for liquidity.
The reasons why such financial instruments have received such a pasting in recent years is because many of the managers using them did not understand their mechanics, nor did they run a risk profile that had any connection with feet on the ground reality.
Because if many social scientists are to be believed, you run a higher risk of having a rocky marriage.
Uncircumcised men run a small risk of developing phimosis, a condition that restricts urine flow and causes discomfort.
Nothing wrong with the slide rule, its users just run a big risk of not being successful against better tooled competitors.
FORBES: Throw that slide rule away! Use Facebook, iPhone, iPad, Groupon tools!
Diabetes UK Cymru said an estimated 350, 000 people in Wales are unaware they run a high risk of getting Type 2 diabetes.
People who are unhappy with their co-workers or are frustrated and anxious in their jobs (and that's no small number) run a greater risk of suffering such pain.
Coming so soon after Seattle, any meeting would need to be a stunning success to avoid being judged a catastrophic failure, and would also run the risk of a repeat of Seattle-style chaos.
ECONOMIST: This year is too soon for a new round of global trade talks
Many female soldiers run as great a risk of being shot as their male comrades.
As for those children, they themselves run a far higher risk of ending up in prison than the children of unincarcerated parents.
There was no correlation with colon cancer at all, though men with a mutation seemed to run a slightly higher risk of prostate cancer.
To be clear, I am not suggesting that any fund breaking the buck will cause a destabilizing run on other money market funds it is possible that an individual fund could have a credit event that is specific to it and not trigger a broad run only that policymakers should recognize that the risk of a destabilizing run remains.
If the opposition parties continue to stay away from parliament, they run the risk of a backlash.
Others, like Madison, will continue to run the risk of a criminal record as a kind of initiation ritual into American adulthood.
After three years poorly performing schools also run the risk of a complete shutdown, to be reopened later with a new staff.
Unless we come up with long-term solutions to grow the American economy, create more jobs and maintain our standard of living, we run the risk of a societal meltdown.
FORBES: Reviving America's Economy: 3 Issues We Need To Address Now
Now you run the risk of a Google car driving by with a roof-mounted camera, it snapping your photo, the photo being uploaded as a Street View on Google Maps, a blogger noticing it, uploading it to their website, where it then goes viral, so the whole world can look at their computer screens and laugh.
FORBES: Cruel World Laughs At Naked Floridian Woman Caught by Google Street View Cameras
While there's a long line of merchants anxious to run Groupon promotions, there's a risk that rivals steal merchants from Groupon with more attractive terms.
Such conversations run the risk of inspiring a corrosive kind of jealousy, she says.
"It's a risk you run, " said Brian Sampson of the Unshackle Upstate business group, which support Cuomo's proposal.
We run the risk of shaping a much more homogeneous community around certain dominant values, a far more engineered community.
But in the short run, there is also a risk that greater uncertainty caused by cuts in unemployment benefits and more job insecurity may cause households to save more and spend less.
"There's little merit in trying to split the vote between Ken, who's essentially running London along Labour lines, and another candidate on behalf of the Labour Party... that could ultimately run the risk of allowing a Conservative to come through the middle, " said Mr Dismore.
That history can best be described as a diminished sensitivity to risk, caused by a long run of success.
By acquiescing in a run-off, however, he would risk giving Mr Milosevic a chance to steal the election for good.
Significantly, he has learnt not run too far up into a tree when on a leash - trained langurs often run the risk of accidentally hanging themselves by the chains or ropes around their necks.