Finally, they hit the street on wobbly legs and run back to 4th Avenue amid a roaring crowd.
It can also apparently be configured such that each monitor has it's own USB cable-run back to the PC.
ENGADGET: Samsung's UbiSync monitor rig: all USB, all the time
The figures published for English applications run back to 2006, when applications were 113, 000 - higher than at present.
Do we run home, grab all our unused tuna fish and then run back to the store to sell it back?
The supporters of that dance said that the defensive players had to run back to their own end, in order to compose themselves for the arrival of the other team.
Recently my furnace needed some repairs (unrelated to the Nest), and it was super convenient to be able to toggle it on and off from my iPhone in the basement instead of having to run upstairs, turn it on, run down to observe it, then run back up to turn it off.
My oldest daughter is handicapped, so I decided to run back in order to pick up her wheelchair.
Although shares are trading down today, Under Armour was up 5.3% Monday and even with that, the stock has about another 10% to run to get back to its 52-week high.
England are the only one of eight major international sides not to have won an ICC tournament - a miserable run dating back to the first World Cup in 1975.
Rovers have not won any of their last 19 league games, a run stretching back to 1 March and one costing O'Driscoll and assistant manager Richard O'Kelly their jobs.
Fortify yourself with some gluwein (mulled wine) from the hotel restaurant at the top of the pass before careening into the moonlit night along the 6.5km-long sled run back down to the village.
The last time Villa beat United was in 1999, in a league cup match, and it is the first time that Villa have claimed all three points against Sir Alex Ferguson's men at Old Trafford in a run stretching back to 1983.
But the advantages to taxpayers of having a bank that is well-capitalised enough to lend, but also well-run enough to be sold back to private investors one day, should not be underestimated.
The worst dismissal was the run out of Jerome Taylor who played a stroke gently off the back foot to extra cover and set off for a run, only to be sent back by his partner.
The helium, which by then will have risen to about minus 15C, is pushed through a liquid nitrogen "boiler" to bring it back down to its run temperature, before looping back into the pre-cooler.
Such media coverage connotes the expectation of a quick run-up back to the original price levels.
But Duke had serious trouble stopping the Terps, who scored on 12 of 17 trips downcourt and used an 18-6 run to stretch the lead back out to 13.
It is heart wrenching to see people run back into burning homes desperately trying to retrieve pets or valuables and come out with a phone book, an old pillow, a teaspoon, and a broken heart.
The All-Star second baseman hit a pair of two-run homers to back a solid effort by David Phelps, and New York beat the Toronto Blue Jays for the ninth straight time at Yankee Stadium, 7-2 Saturday.
If the deal fails to win regulatory approval, GM (nyse: GM - news - people ) may have to run Hughes itself or go back to Sydney, Australia-based News Corp. (nyse: NWS - news - people ) and its Chairman Rupert Murdoch , who apparently was miffed at the way he was treated by GM's board, which ignored several of his reported ultimatums.
But because factories were allowed to -- allowing warm water to run back into the river, the temperature was becoming too high for the salmon to survive.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at Conference on Conservation
But Lee's diagonal run and pass allowed Davies to turn and slide a short pass between the defenders for right-back Steinsson to run on and notch his first goal of the season, his maiden FA Cup strike.
When energy demand is high, the water is allowed to run back downhill through turbines.
FORBES: Storage, Not Generation, is the Challenge to Renewable Energy
"We were told to run back into the barrack, but most could not walk anymore, " he said.
Greer, who works with the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities in Austin, said he will be back to run again.
The American wrapped up gold with a stunning first run, which included back to back double corks with double grabs.
In a heated debate, the Labour-run council voted to back the latest plan with leader Milan Radulovic accusing protesters of being "nimbys".
Why buy servers and hire people to run back-end services when you can simply outsource the whole operation and pay as you go?
There was a similar episode at the other end when Fox allowed a pass-back to run dangerously near the goal-line before eventually clearing the ball.