• She is seriously considering a run, and there is an active "draft Elizabeth Dole" movement on the ground here.

    CNN: Jonathan Karl: Helms built North Carolina GOP

  • And I don't want to complain because I know I have options I'm sure people in other countries don't have, but I don't I try not to use anything from the food pantry because I know there are people here in Ohio that have already run out of their food stamps and unemployment that need that more than I do.

    NPR: Child Hunger: Nutritious Food Tough To Afford

  • Within the present health care system you say, "I hurt here or there" and the doctors say, "Oh, let's run this or that kind of test, let's do this kind of procedure, " all of which make money, all of which are eligible under the insurance plan but quite frankly none of which address what you really have.

    FORBES: Bob Bennett

  • Aside from a few tweaks to capital here, some tougher rules on liquidity there, and the disappearance of a handful of badly-run institutions, the same big names dominate the industry.

    ECONOMIST: Banks will still make money, just less of it

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