On the other hand, Kenya's government is in the grip of a corrupt elite that seems content to allow the economy to run into the ground so long as it can grab a share.
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, when the previous, Uruguay round of trade talks had almost run into the ground, G7 meetings regularly reiterated the rich countries' commitment to free trade but rarely offered concrete evidence of it.
Victor Pandit for the last five years has run Citigroup into the ground and now has been pushed overboard.
The rumor had it that Cerberus was buying up American firearms manufacturers in order to run them into the ground.
SmithKline, for instance, had to work hard to allay concerns that it might dump its risks into Lloyd's, run its captive into the ground, and then let the market foot the bill.
"The sheer amount of concrete and Tarmac here now means the water has nowhere to go, it's much, much harder for the water to run away or soak into the ground, " he added.
BBC: Gloucestershire flooding residents make rescue decision
He wanted to get out the window, drop to the ground, run into the sea across the road.
All these programmes have run into court challenges, principally on the ground that they involve the spending of public money in parochial schools (thereby infringing the constitutional separation of church and state).
United had a shout for a penalty waved away by referee Calum Murray when Goodwillie went to ground after another run into the box was thwarted under pressure from Saunders.
Some of them also see Myanmar as a valuable asset to ASEAN: it is the world's largest exporter of teak and has important offshore oil and gas deposits (though it is also true that the junta has run large parts of the economy, including the financial system, into the ground).
The bike and run course took the race into Manchester and Trafford, passing the Old Trafford football ground, the Imperial War Museum North and Manchester's Albert Square.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | 'Superhumans' return to Salford
Completely against the run of play, Sunderland briefly hit back, Zenden slapping the ball into the corner on his old stomping ground from Jones's knock-down.
And that are the quickest to kind of snap back, and run into new high ground.
The Salah gasfield project in Algeria, run by BP, strips CO2 from local natural gas and injects it back into the ground.
In a number of areas the ground remains frozen beneath the surface, which means excess water will run into rivers instead of being absorbed by the soil.