The FreedomPop Overdrive Pro becomes the company's first device to run on Sprint's network.
Special Behind the Scenes Tours run on Monday, Thursday and Friday by reservation only.
Atletico played that way because his movement meant he could run on to forward passes.
What we saw with Bear Stearns was really a classic run on the bank.
That's a nice service in a world where many handsets run on different standards.
In spite of huge gas reserves, Libya's power plants mostly run on diesel fuel.
Several Hollywood and Nashville stars boast of converting their huge plush cars to run on ethanol.
The last version of PeopleSoft can be accessed online, but it doesn't run on the Web.
If you got Gmail to run on something besides the list above, let us know.
At costume shops, for example, there's a run on Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam outfits.
It is hoped the first trains will run on the HS2 line around 2026.
Key in establishing a competitive brand has been making sure fights always run on time.
This exists, more or less, in online bill payment systems that can run on BlackBerries.
Funding pressures means its own helpline can only be run on a part-time basis.
The 35-year-old former Spanish international has six months to run on his current deal.
The devices will run on Android and be sold at Wal-Mart and Costco stores.
And Bath are aware that he has just one season left to run on his contract.
So what are these guys doing adapting their software to run on a store-bought desktop Mac?
The new system, he figures, can be run on one-third of a single staffer's time.
Close to six million vehicles can run on E85 as well as regular gas.
For instance, it's best that we not build extra power plants that run on fossil fuel.
There was a growing fear that foreign central banks would have a run on gold.
"The irony is he didn't even run on health care, " says one Democratic pollster.
Our formula is that our business needs to run on a combination of cargos.
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Flex fuel engines can run on gasoline, E85(85% ethanol), or any combination in between.
Diller had a run on Broadway in 1970, starring as Dolly Levi in "Hello Dolly!"
CNN: Comedian Phyllis Diller dies 'with a smile on her face'
Oracle is helping out by adapting its database software to run on lower-end systems.
But the rise of cloud computing and desktop virtualization means more applications run on a server.
TIAA-CREF, a pension fund for American academics, is also run on a co-op basis.
ECONOMIST: Workers are sleepwalking towards an impoverished old age
More Oracle databases run on Solaris than on any other operating system, Mr Ellison notes.