This time around, Runic is introducing a much larger, more customizable, and most importantly cooperative gaming experience.
And apparently quite a few people felt the same way about this scrappy indie title from Runic Games.
Displays include artefacts unearthed at Wood Quay, a reconstruction of a Viking house and instruction in decoding the Viking runic alphabet.
Particularly noteworthy among the musical repertory of the islanders is an oral tradition of pre-Christian origin, known as runic or Kalevala-metre songs.
With over half our returns being prepared by someone else, it is no wonder that most taxpayers assume their returns are written in some unintelligible runic script.
It reports that the object, covered in runic writing and about 60cm long, was found embedded in granite and initially taken for "piping sticking out of the ground".
BBC: April Fools Day: 10 stories that look like pranks but aren't
Runic Games, the developer behind the long-awaited action-RPG Torchlight 2, has announced that they will be announcing a release date for the game this Friday at PAX Prime.
Blizzard, as one half of the Activision-Blizzard colossus, is a much bigger company than Runic Games and Diablo 3 had a larger budget (in terms of both development and advertising) and a lot more name recognition than Torchlight 2.
Obviously, the fact that Runic was made up of members of the creative teams from those games added a degree of hilarity to that exchange, but more to the point it demonstrated a fundamental misunderstanding of how copyright works.
The place is so iconic that thousands of Irish draw straws every year for the chance to be among the lucky ten or twenty to squeeze 60 feet into the magic chamber whose surrounding walls are inscribed with runic whorls, serpent forms, chevrons, and spiral signs of infinity.
In any case, withholding judgment on Diablo 3 for the time being (though I had more fun with the Torchlight 2 beta and prefer the simple DRM Runic Games includes to Blizzards always-online requirement) I still think that the release of a major PC title is a welcome event.