So cargoes of cars and car parts, tractors, cookers and washing machines still travel at about the speed of a running man.
Later, Dawson appeared in the film "The Running Man" with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The running man returns not Jason Bourne but a new character, Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner), another hard-ass special-ops agent who defies his superiors and keeps on moving when they try to eliminate him, racing from continent to continent and across shantytown rooftops, through crowded marketplaces, down alleyways.
Yet Mitt Romney was the man running as the experienced manager, the man whose years running a business uniquely qualified him to run the biggest, most complex organization on earth, the federal government.
FORBES: Romney the Great Manager? Not Nearly as Good as Obama, the Election Proved
Ajit Jain, the man running the aforementioned insurance business, is often speculated as a possible successor.
FORBES: Billionaire Buffett's Berkshire Hathway Takes A Blow: Credit Rating Cut To AA
Mr Hoffman said he first saw the man running across fields a mile-and-a-half away.
BioShock Infinite would have been cool if it was just another crazy man running an impossibly placed city like the first BioShock.
FORBES: An Attempt to Understand BioShock Infinite's Brilliant and Bizarre Ending
"It is an overused term, but right now it's all about execution, " says Timothy Rigas, second-oldest son and the man running the company day to day.
It was authored by the man running for vice president.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Gaggle aboard the Press Bus en route Davenport, IA
On Sunday, September 4, 2005, he says he woke up and stepped onto the balcony of the motel and saw a man running, hands outstretched and being fired upon.
He cultivates what he sees as his many constituencies, attending meetings, giving speeches and buttering up the rich at restaurants with the energy of a man running for office.
ECONOMIST: A delicate task for William Bratton in Los Angeles
Whatever one thinks about marriage between people of the same sex, surely a man running as a business-friendly candidate would say whether he favors boycotts of privately owned businesses on the basis of the beliefs of their shareholders?
Judge Arcara raised doubts on the arguments for both sides, questioning Mr. Grable's point that Mr. Zuckerberg could come back to live in his parent's home while also asking why a man running a major company doesn't own any property in California.
The room is packed with versions of the man running here and there, talking to himself about this and that, making plans on the phone and staring out the window and falling in love and falling out of love and finding himself loved and unloved and hated and feared and liked and disliked and ignored and unknown and known.
Essentially, man finds out that his wife has been having a long running affair with the man she is secretary to.
Authorities were seeking at least one man spotted running away from the site of the shooting.
It is short, in comparison, on the one man bands running out of a shed in the garden.
"A man came running out of the restaurant with the money, " she recalls.
And in Israel, doctors are running tests on a man who recently returned from Mexico with light flu symptoms.
CNN: U.S. prepares for possible swine flu epidemic as global cases rise
Princess Bride Star Cary Elwes Running From The Tax Man.
FORBES: Tax Man Chases Dread Pirate Roberts (like a Rodent of Unusual Size)
Sticking it to the man by running Linux is fine, Reeves says, but his customers want machines that are compatible with a wide variety of graphics cards and printers.
Cavill was in the running to play the Man of Steel years ago when directors like McG and Brett Ratner were sniffing around the franchise, according to Deadline Hollywood.
The trap he fell into in 1994 (albeit of his own making) was in enabling his Democratic opponents to portray him as an ultra-conservative, in part because he chose as a running-mate a man who had been a champion of the right-wing Christian Coalition.
Arizona Senator John McCain is running for president like a man playing Stud and doing pretty well.
There, too, he played the odd man out, running unsuccessfully for Congress in 1994 and 1996 as a Republican in a traditionally Democratic state.
"The man charged with running the NHS - its chief executive - has admitted that government targets have made dealing with the superbug more difficult, " he said.
Former Chicago Bears defensive tackle Tim Ryan, now an analyst with Fox, said the option game and running quarterbacks leave four-man defensive lines at a significant disadvantage.
In a sweltering, claustrophobic chamber the size of a storage closet, a sweat-glazed man in a running top pounds away on a treadmill in the Nike Sports Research Lab in Beaverton, Ore.
The man responsible was seen running off towards Wallace Street, after grabbing the pensioner's walking stick.