Election day is on 6 November, and polls suggest the candidates are running neck and neck.
Between Clinton and Obama, they're basically running neck and neck in the fundraising, if not in the polls.
The films have been running neck and neck throughout the awards season.
Now, campaigning on a demand for expulsion of members involved in an apparent cover-up, she was found in a Reuters survey to be running neck and neck with her Republican opponent in what had been considered a Republican stronghold.
But upstate, where 45 percent of New York voters live, Clinton and Lazio are running neck-and-neck in recent polls.
Goldman and Morgan Stanley are running neck-and-neck for the title of No. 1 in underwriting the most U.S.-listed IPOs for 2011, according to Dealogic.
And in five (out of 20) regions, the main parties are running neck-and-neck.
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In each country, Sodexho garnered for itself the No. 1 or No. 2 position, running neck-and-neck with the U.K.-based Compass Group.
Published polls show Bush running neck-and-neck with Kerry, with Nader drawing 3 percent to 5 percent of the vote.
In each country, Sodexho garnered for itself the number one or number two position, running neck-and-neck with U.K.-based Compass Group.
The best known Latino in an increasingly Latino city, he is running neck-and-neck with Mr Soboroff, with 12% support in a recent Los Angeles Times poll.
But Mr Valder promises to be a lightning rod for other dissident Liberals, in a campaign where the coalition will be running neck-and-neck with the opposition Labor Party.
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Right now the two distribution techniques are running neck-and-neck.
Opinion polls say the state's two smaller parties are running neck-and-neck, though in the elections there five years ago the Greens, with 10%, got more than twice as many votes as the liberals.
Anyone out there have a smaller-scale community permaculture program up and running in your neck of the woods?
"He came running and swinging at my neck, as I tried to get out of the way, " she said.
But according to two US-based scientists, the owl has some very smart bone and vascular structures running along its neck to the skull.
And late in the game, he put a big hit on a very big running back and felt a pop in his neck.
Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning shook off his neck brace and passed for more than 4, 000 yards, Minnesota running back Adrian Peterson jumped off the operating table and produced the second-highest rushing total in history, and Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis returned to the field just 12 weeks after tearing his triceps.