And indeed with a list of status updates running down the page, a box at the top inviting you to "share what's new" and a box of profile photos to the side, it won't be difficult for new users to get the hang of the whole idea.
The CEO has met with FAA chief Michael Huerta, and Mr. McNerney is running daily meetings on the status of the investigations and being updated regularly.
And so despite my status as a running refusenik, I found myself herded, among a crowd of far fitter, healthier, sportier types, into a pen behind the start line, part of a sea of red t-shirted runners beneath a threatening gray sky.
He hasn't played since then, and his status has been a running soap opera this season.
Almost as soon Paul Ryan gained the status of Romney-running mate, supporters and detractors tried to tie Ryan to Ayn Rand, the author of Atlas Shrugged, Fountainhead, and the intellectual author of Objectivism.
Hunt said a strong indicator of the problem is Kentucky's large number of runaways, who are at high risk for being trafficked, and the number of kids incarcerated each year for "status offenses" such as running away or truancy.
Canada rejected the European Union's application for observer status due to a long-running dispute over seal hunting and a ban by Brussels's of seal products, such as hide.
The McCain campaign, meanwhile, is trying to capitalize on that, telling voters Obama cannot be trusted, recently running an ad mocking Obama's celebrity status while comparing the Illinois senator to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.
"We are not against the concept of anyone running as long as he has the right legal status, but it's unacceptable to have one of the symbols of Mubarak's regime run for president, " el-Shater said.
Rupert Murdoch may be a few years shy of octogenarian status, but his corporate dynasty is hardly running out of steam.
But it's his singular weapon--a devastating forehand that puts enough topspin on the ball to keep opponents running around in circles--that has pushed him to legendary status.
The latest broadband service status report on the Orange website said the service was "up and running at the moment, " but the report was dated August 2006.
When controllers sent commands to the engine to turn itself on again last Tuesday, they planned to collect more data on the status of the system but believed it was unlikely the engine would keep running.
CNN: Deep Space probe's ion engine working smoothly, NASA says
As recently as mid-January, with the economy running better than at any time in a generation, polls showed an increasing number of Americans content with the status quo.