The pools store runoff water from the rickety, cumbersome system Tepco threw together after the accident, to cool Fukushima Daiichi's reactors.
Algae also offer the potential of aiding in the curbing of CO2 emissions from power stations and cement factories, and in cleaning nitrates and phosphates from agricultural runoff water and effluent from sewage plants, while simultaneously furnishing useful fuels such as biodiesel and ethanol according to how the algae are processed.
Unfortunately, these systems frequently overflow, and so untreated sewage and storm water runoff are expelled into surrounding water bodies.
The students designed a progressive urban environment that can handle large amounts of storm-water runoff by using green technologies and major roadways as storm-water filtration and transport surfaces.
That's 100 times the normal count found in water runoff from storms, the company said.
The plants insulate the building and perform other functions, such as improving water runoff.
The Trust has advocated effectively for a Green Streets approach to managing storm water runoff.
This cover acts as a giant sponge, absorbing rainfall and reducing polluted storm-water runoff.
The bay, which has deteriorated because of overdevelopment and storm water runoff, was battered further by Hurricane Sandy.
There's also a section devoted to "green" roofs, both literally and figuratively, those planted to reduce New York's "heat-island" effect and storm-water runoff.
These changes are making water supply and quality more difficult to obtain, affecting runoff and soil moisture, increasing water temperatures, decreasing snowpack and lake and river ice, threatening fish and aquatic species, and allowing saltwater intrusion and sea level rise.
Some of that polluted runoff winds up in drinking water, posing special health problems for children and pregnant women.
Because GE crops require less chemical pesticide, fewer farmers and their families risk being poisoned by runoff into waterways and ground water.
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First, the cultivation of genetically engineered crops has drastically reduced the use of chemical pesticides, resulting in less runoff into waterways and ground water and fewer poisonings of farmers and their families.
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Where lots of water, aggressive washing and sandpaper was once the norm for creating that worn vintage look, lasers and and ozone gas cameras are now being used to minimize water waste and chemical runoff.
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Experts have come up with all sorts of hypothetical ways the E. coli could have gotten into the spinach, from manure that wasn't properly composted to runoff from cattle farms to contaminated irrigation water.
It has put forward a clean water action plan to deal with runoff from city streets and farms.
The deluge left the factory under more than six feet of water for more than a month as runoff from the north besieged the city.
Too much of this irrigation water is lost to evaporation, the water coverage is hard to control and wasted runoff can occur.
From there they go by truck around the Southwest U.S. Mortgage crisis or no, such Sunbelt areas still are growing, and they need to convey drinking water into settled areas and remove sewerage and runoff.
Additionally, because of poor drainage, water ponds formed on the VML. These water ponds produced more methane gas, and the subsequent runoff traveled back into the VML and the Speedway Landfill.
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The system already copes with a tremendous amount of groundwater and runoff, especially at stations at the tip of Manhattan, where the water table has risen in recent years.
Runoff of nitrates and nitrites from fields sprayed with chemical fertilizers get into drinking water and cause cancer. can lead to cancer.
The study estimates that roughly half of that 0.43 inch rise was caused by thermal expansion of the oceans (as water warms, it becomes less dense and expands), some from from runoff from melting glaciers, and the rest from melting of Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets.
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