On Friday night, many of us rushed home to grab our vanity urls on Facebook.
It was Libyans from countries around the world, including my own, who rushed home to help, even though they, too, risked brutality and death.
Last week, without much fanfare, Members of the House of Representatives banged a gavel, turned out the lights, and rushed home, declaring their work finished for now.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Congress Must Act to Create Jobs and Grow the Economy | The White House
When Bobby Kennedy came in '68, I was a high school Republican, but rushed home to brush my hair so it flipped across my forehead just like his.
Captain Wales, as he is officially known, is preparing for deployment later this year to Afghanistan, where he served briefly four years ago until a broken media embargo led to him being rushed home.
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Ahmed Wali Massoud, a senior figure in the old Northern Alliance, says Mr Rabbani had been pressed by the president himself to grant the urgent request for a meeting, and had rushed home from abroad to attend.
When paramedics who rushed to the home found the bodies of her other family members, Hendricks claimed Matthew had first killed them before turning the gun on himself.
The broadcaster reported that Greig died at about 13:45 local time on Saturday, after being rushed from his home to Sydney's St Vincent's Hospital earlier in the day.
When the government ordered railway companies to cut the number of trains in the metro area, office workers in central Tokyo rushed to train stations to get home.
Millie Martin died in hospital during the early hours of 11 December, 2009 after being rushed there unconscious from her Glebe Park home in Enniskillen.
In the fog-covered town of Shuangli, corn farmer Zheng Xianlan said Sunday that she had rushed from the fields back to her home when the quake struck, and cried when she saw that the roof collapsed.
Carter rushed from the dugout to join the celebration at home plate, catcher's gear already on.
Lafarge Eco Systems agreed to provide a home for the baby hippo and I rushed to Malindi to collect him.
Sadly for the expectant home crowd, Grobler's effort was rushed and hopeless, flying yards over the bar with Hart untroubled.