Microsoft rushed to get its system out for the 2005 holiday season, and it shows.
Two major publishing houses have rushed to release new Rand biographies--by academics, no less--this fall.
But Mr Trimble, upon hearing about the blast, rushed to Markethill to survey the damage.
Ms Hussain was reportedly rushed to hospital but succumbed to her injuries on the way.
In the hours after this unusual gamma-ray burst was discovered, astrophysicists rushed to learn more.
Six other people were injured as revellers rushed to get out of the club.
Suddenly, a van drove into view, and three unarmed men rushed to help the wounded person.
You dropped your schoolwork, left your families, jumped in fire trucks, and rushed to the flames.
Other companies this week have also rushed to borrow at the historically cheap levels.
One night last year, Harvey slashed his arms and wrists and was rushed to the hospital.
After the shooting, traffic jams clogged streets as concerned parents rushed to Thurston High.
CNN: Gunman kills 1 student; 2 more bodies found at his home
Outraged South Africans rushed to her defense and accused the world of invading her privacy.
This is an area in which the Senate should not be rushed to judgment.
Firefighters rushed to the scene of the attack as smoke billowed into the sky.
Hazardous material teams were being rushed to the scene, an emergency management official said.
Giannini rushed to Washington and had to fight a harrowing battle to stop this demolition coup.
Livorno players and officials rushed to hospital, where they were told their teammate had passed away.
Within seconds, Ike was alone in the room, as his staff rushed to launch Overlord.
When the earnings came out, traders rushed to buy shares to avoid a short squeeze.
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"The government rushed to legislate to allow schools to choose to become academies, " she said.
But he rushed to the scene and to a remote area behind the turnstiles.
CNN: Kevin has a family: A same-sex couple's remarkable journey
Nissen sent the results to The New England Journal of Medicine, which rushed to publish them.
It's malignant and was discovered after Kennedy was rushed to a hospital after suffering a seizure.
Jump-master Michael Wilson-Roberts rushed to help both men within seconds of them hitting the ground.
His father, Liu Sheng Lu, rushed to the school right after the earthquake and started digging.
Many trains stopped operating, and people rushed to supermarkets to get as much food as possible.
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Medium-sized foreign firms that rushed to create a beach-head in China may consider going offshore again.
Mr. Yangzom placed the call and then rushed to the scene from his Richmond residence.
WSJ: Seven Killed in Shooting at California Religious School
One was a New York state corrections officer who rushed to the scene to help.
At that time, REITs were beaten up as the public rushed to invest in technology stocks.