Meanwhile, Marussia confirmed their 2013 driver line-up by signing Frenchman Jules Bianchi to join Britain's Max Chilton.
CNN's Max Foster reported from Rome and Susannah Palk from London, and Laura Smith-Spark wrote the story from London.
Hers is an event so demanding on the body that UK Athletics's Max Jones has dubbed it the "cripple jump".
Mr. Zaw Zaw's Max Myanmar business empire is one of the country's biggest, with interests in resources, construction, hotels and banking.
WSJ: Singapore Stymies Myanmar Mogul Zaw Zaw's Bid for Listing
CNN's Max Foster, David Wilkinson and Laura Smith-Spark contributed to this report.
"Vesta is so rich in features that it will keep the science team busy for years, " said mission scientist Holger Sierks at Germany's Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research.
One of the groups behind the declaration, Germany's Max Planck Society, is now changing its employment contracts to require staff to return the copyright of their work to the society.
This chorus is echoing across the liberal establishment, and Democrats used last week's Senate IRS hearing to complain that "a Mack truck is being driven through the 501(c)(4) loophole, " as Montana's Max Baucus put it.
The firm was founded in the early 1990s by several academic researchers, including Axel Ullrichof Germany's Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, who had been studying receptors on the surface of cells that receive growth signals from other parts of the body.
Scotland's Max Evans, whose brother Thom suffered a career-ending broken neck against Wales last season, left the field on the stretcher and that seemed to encourage referee Dave Pearson to blow his whistle even though there was still time remaining on the clock.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
Genk, which makes the Mondeo mid-sized car, Galaxy minivan and S-max wagon, will shut by the end of 2014, Ford announced Wednesday.
Amazingly enough, the film's composer Max Steiner, a Viennese-born musician who scored hundreds of Hollywood movies, was initially disinclined to use a popular song.
WSJ: 'Play It Again, Sam,' and Again: A Sequel to Casablanca?
Details of the star's funeral have yet to be finalised but Goody's publicist Max Clifford said it was likely to be a "celebration" of her life.
Union representative Luc Prenen said that Ford would transfer production of the new versions of the Mondeo and S-MAX marques to its plant in Valencia in Spain.
Most of the drivers had no trouble topping off their Tesla's at max range, ensuring they had enough charge to complete each leg of the trip -- but one car stubbornly refused to top off at a Delaware Supercharger.
It's been seven months since Max's last surgery -- an open heart pulmonary valve replacement -- and he has been cleared for all activities by his doctors.
It can brake when it senses an imminent collision, as can Ford's B-Max minivan.
"Paul is highly thought of and respected at the club but things just weren't happening, " said Fulham's publicity boss Max Clifford.
The Klein's son, Max, now 14, said he wanted to be complimented, told when he'd done a good job and hugged.
Note that America's Cup racers max out at 16 knots, and they're basically empty shells with nary a cushion to sit on.
CNN's royal correspondent Max Foster and Peter Wilkinson contributed to this report.
CNN's Royal Correspondent Max Foster says the convention for anyone meeting the queen at a palace event is that the conversation is private.
While Amorphium lets you add some basic motion to scenes, it's not a full-blown animation package along the lines of Kinetix's 3D Studio Max.
The boat, called Route 66, cruised at more than 20 knots and frequently hit speeds in excess of 30 knots, or 55 kilometers an hour. (Note that America's Cup racers max out at 16 knots, and they're basically empty shells with nary a cushion to sit on.) Route 66 boasted a full luxury interior with air-conditioning, desalination equipment and even an air compressor for underwater breathing hoses.
Petersen recovered and the following year, 1934, was perhaps his best as he won and defended the British Empire title and moved up to sixth in the Ring's rankings as he sought a challenge for Max Baer's world title.
Max's coauthor introduced him to Yves, who needed some Web design work done, thinking Max would be good for the job.