The first was in Constantinople and mysteriously disappeared in the sack of the city in the Fourth Crusade in 1204.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Shroud mystery 'refuses to go away'
For Robert Kraft it all started in 1971 on the cold, hard metal benches of a sad-sack football stadium in Foxboro, Mass.
"A litter sack was dumped in the towpath near Lisburn and a couple of ladies saw the gentleman leaving the sack and they went over and lifted it, " she said.
It was then assumed, based on studies of pilot schemes in Britain and abroad, that half of the participants would have been hired anyway without the subsidy, and that, in a further 20% of cases, firms would sack an existing worker in order to hire a subsidised person from the scheme.
There is, for instance, Judy's Book , founded by Andy Sack and Chris DeVore in 2004.
An abandoned dog, found in a sack on a Northern Ireland riverbank, has claimed a top award at Crufts.
Eventually he got the sack from his post in Hanover for being away so much, but by then he was firmly established in London, receiving a royal pension from the ailing Queen Anne.
If there are lots of kids, this is a great time to pull the previously mentioned present sack out, reach in the bag, call out a name, and have a short visit with Santa.
The Big Agnes Horsethief is a mummy-shaped down sleeping bag with three major features: no down under sleeper, a sleeve on the bottom to hold a ground pad, and a built-in stow sack to create a pillow by inserting clothing.
Some American employers are offering an implicit (and sometimes explicit) deal to their employees: accept that we may have to sack you and, in exchange, we will make sure that you have the marketable skills needed to find another job.
Joey Evans (Adrian Aguilar), the title character, is a cheap-souled Chicago hoofer who catches the eye of Vera Simpson (Susie McGonagle), a man-hungry socialite of a certain age who buys him a nightclub in return for his services in the sack.
Lawyers for the plaintiffs argue the term has no meaning and hardly describes a movie that also features scripted moments such as a scene where Cohen tries to catch Pamela Anderson in a sack with the goal of making her his wife.
Yet Daniel Bouton, SocGen's boss, thinks that the two banks have too many overlapping branches to make such returns possible: in regulated France, you cannot simply close branches and sack people, which is, in part, how banks in America and Britain have increased returns.
Of the 10 rookie starters in our pool, only three had a sack rate significantly below the league average in their rookie seasons: Bradford, Dalton and Ryan.
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In 1814, three clerks stuffed it into a linen sack and carried it to a gristmill in Virginia, which was fortunate, because the British burned Washington down.
Perhaps it was the furtive transfer of cash in a grocery sack, a money vest and even a Dumpster that made them suspicious.
Having verified that the cords are pulled taut and solidly knotted, they envelop the woman in a large sack of heavy cloth and push her ahead of them into the corridor.
His decision in August to sack the popular Jose Mourinho and replace him with close friend Avram Grant, seemingly over a lack of style, brought him into conflict with Chelsea's fans.
If the Liaison Committee gets its way, all these would be joint appointments by the Government and Parliament - and having been involved in the appointment, parliamentary approval would be needed in order to sack them.
British corporate-governance rules, which allow shareholders to sack board members, are envied in America.
He wants the public to be able to sack their local MP, and in the longer term believes that voting reform's essential.
They did pushups, twirled hula hoops, and competed at dodge ball and tug-of-war before the first lady triumphed over the comedian in a climactic potato sack race.
Monegan's backers asserted that Palin had fired him because he refused to sack her ex-brother-in-law, a state police officer who had been involved in a bitter custody dispute with Palin's sister.
In a report released in Beijing on Wednesday, the World Bank says it expects the Eurozone will post no growth at all in 2012 and overall developed markets, which at this point just includes Japan and the U.S. in a stumbling potato sack race, growing at just 1.4%.
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Their average tenure has declined from ten years in the 1970s to six years today, and boards are becoming ever more likely to sack bosses if they get out of line, particularly in Europe.
He had one hand up to his armpit, tucked in the strap of a sack or something on his back.
Some said they had ended up having to sack staff, or sell assets, in order to save money to make the loan repayments.