The Eurozone has decided to minimize moral hazard and has chosen Cyprus as its sacrificial lamb.
It might also buy the "fairness argument"--that since this law is rarely used, Lay should not be the sacrificial lamb.
C. is going to punish them because this administration is anti-oil and they want a sacrificial lamb to beat over the head.
Mr. NOWICKI: The Democrats basically put up sort of a sacrificial lamb, just kind of a nominal candidate that wasn't one of their heavy hitters.
Thompson, by contrast, won an open Senate seat in the best Republican election year in half a century and was re-elected against a sacrificial lamb.
"By dispatching a lower-ranking official, the U.S. is sending a sacrificial lamb, " says Zhao Di, a senior majoring in Arabic at the Beijing Languages and Culture University.
"We feel we've been chosen as the sacrificial lamb to allow virtually every other industry to improve their income proposals, " said Jim Pedersen, chairman of the Australian Cane Growers' Council.
We were the sacrificial lamb for the industry.
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For Democratic Party officials, who cares if Meek's voting record has been solidly behind the agenda of President Obama -- he must be the sacrificial lamb in order for them to hold onto the Senate.
While acts of violence may be trending upward due to our penchant for incendiary political discourse, the national conversation quickly moved to claim that the beloved Arizona congresswoman might be our unfortunate sacrificial lamb for setting things right.
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These executives always have someone they can offer as a sacrificial lamb when something goes wrong, making it appear as though all that is needed to rectify the problem is to fire the worker and all will be well in the world.
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Chris Goodall, an analyst at the media research firm Enders Analysis, said the News of the World was the "sacrificial lamb being taken out into the desert and killed" in order to try to save the Murdoch empire's bid to take over UK broadcaster BSkyB.