Aside from sadness and anger, the smoke engendered an enduring sense of duty to prevent the next big attack.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations
One focused on mood, and inquired about feelings like anxiety, sadness, depression and anger.
In a 2005 study from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, people who wrote one-sentence e-mails were supremely overconfident in both their ability to communicate and their ability to detect sarcasm, seriousness, anger and sadness over e-mail.
It was a decision that I made with much sadness and not a little anger, but it was fully in keeping with the Scout Oath, which requires members to do their best to be "morally straight" at all times and to do what they think is right.
Although the grieving process is different for everyone, it's common to experience denial or disbelief, followed by sadness, anger, bargaining and, finally, acceptance.
It's also full of sadness, anger, paranoia and visions of the apocalypse, which is also, knowing your past work, about what I expected.
Bob Ingram, the chair of the UK Windsurfing Association said that ISAF's decision was met by "both anger and sadness" in the windsurfing community.
For anger, sadness and concentration, the detailed ways that blind people moved their faces were significantly more similar to those of their family members than to those of strangers.
The mood in America after the Boston bombings generally seems one of sadness and horror but not one of anger or ramped-up patriotism.
Or the Gallup study released in May that found stay-at-home moms were more likely to experience stress, worry, anger, and sadness than those who worked paying jobs.
"Admittedly, there is still anger and deep sadness that my mother's life was taken in such a blatant, cruel and horrific fashion, " said Sheila Gillespie-Hillsman, who wrote a statement on behalf of her family.
"Since the beginning, there's been anger, frustration, sadness and fear, but we've been working toward a concentrated effort toward change, " said Eliza Diop, 20, a politics and Africana Studies major who serves on the college student senate and is a resident of the Afrikan Heritage House, which offers programs focused on the African diaspora, according to the college's website.
Stand your ground and talk through the anger or sadness that is showing through your professional demeanor.
The real issue that ignites anger, fear, and sadness is poverty.
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According to Dr. Kaminski, the feelings most feel towards their ex and the divorce are rather universal, and women typically experience emotions shifting from anger, hurt, disbelief, deep sadness, rage, shame, all the way to feelings of relief and a sense of liberation and adventure.
FORBES: Expert Advice For Divorcing Women: Coping Emotionally, While You're Thinking Financially