They were repeatedly given advice about how to practise safe sex, according to Merck.
Are actually practicing safe sex or having, you know, conversations around healthy relationships and safe sex.
What, you know, healthy sex is, safe sex is and then also going back to families.
The credit crunch makes it harder for Germany to practise this form of economic safe sex.
It is true, as the abstainers often point out, that there is no such thing as safe sex.
Like, why don't you, you know, explain to me what safe sex is.
She does not tell college friends that she is HIV-positive, though she tries to spread the word about safe sex.
Continue to talk about safe sex and explain to kids how to protect themselves from both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
According to Lopez, studies also show that hope promotes healthy behaviors, including fruit and vegetable consumption, regular exercise, safe sex practices and quitting smoking.
Infection rates have fallen from 15% to 5% but critics say this could now rise because the government is promoting abstinence, rather than safe sex.
Diggs said he has seen this lead to risky behavior, and he urges parents to be involved early in an open dialogue about safe sex.
We're given a lot of free condoms at safe sex talks.
BBC: Condoms: Why are we still embarrassed about using them?
As TIME reported last year, spending on condoms (safe sex), yoga (self-care) and pet products (companionship) has also increased as our collective financial fortunes have flat-lined.
FORBES: Harvard Researchers Prove Feeling Sad Makes Us Stupid With Money
Research suggests that children who have this kind of relationship with their parents delay their first sexual experience, and are more likely to have safe sex.
Health officials in Berlin, preparing for an influx of football supporters, are planning to give out 100, 000 condoms and leaflets offering men advice on safe sex.
It is one of a number of premises to host the clinics and Mr O'Doherty and his team often leaflet clubbers and hand out safe sex packs.
BBC: 20% of new HIV cases in Northern Ireland are men over 45
Definitely there are people out there who don't take it seriously - think there's no harm - but most of us are aware of the safe sex message.
BBC: 20% of new HIV cases in Northern Ireland are men over 45
Rebecca Findlay, of the fpa, formerly the Family Planning Association, believes more frequent advertising could act as a prompt for discussions within the family about contraception and safe sex.
Any campaign would be likely to draw on the experience of the 1980s, when the government highlighted the need to practice safe sex as concern about HIV and Aids grew.
Sociologist Janet Holland, from South Bank University, who has researched teenager sexual behaviour, said young girls had become aware of the importance of safe sex during the Aids campaigns of the late eighties.
Ford Hickson, a senior research fellow with the University of Portsmouth's Sigma Research unit, says HIV prevention over the past 20 years has taken a singular route - safe sex, and reducing exposure .
The tournament was seen by many as the perfect platform to promote safe sex and increase awareness and education about a disease that is, to a large degree, still a taboo subject in the region.
But the obese, the gamblers, rugby players, skiers, the sedentary, the promiscuous who don't practice safe sex, those who won't wear helmets on motorcycles and bikes, horseback riders, pool owners, all-terrain-vehicle operators, small-plane pilots, sunbathers, scuba divers, and surfers -- all of whom cost us money and incur higher than average health care costs -- are still on the job.
Written and directed by Michael Patrick King, a safe pair of hands from the HBO days, "Sex and the City, " the movie, is aimed fair and square at the fans.
The gel was found to be both safe and acceptable when used once in the 12 hours before sex and once in the 12 hours after sex by women aged 18 to 40 years.
In 2004, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel gave Intrinsa the thumbs down and called for larger, longer studies to ensure that the medication was safe, in addition to proving that it actually helped women's sex lives.