The new, emerging Republican consensus regarding entitlement reform and social safety nets reflects precisely that.
FORBES: The New Republican Vision For Modern Social Safety Nets
The third response has been to introduce job-creation programmes and to plan social safety nets.
Such contractual safety nets, says Yale Tauber, a senior compensation consultant at William M.
These free market safety nets would be based on market competition, incentives, and individual choice.
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Because of the social safety nets in place, relatively few people over 64 are very poor (9%).
But the generous safety nets that ease the economic pain of Europe's citizens are also exacerbating it.
Safety nets for the poor may be necessary, but middle-class hammocks are more than we can afford.
Note that even Hayek, the intellectual godfather of modern libertarians, supported the concept of basic social safety nets.
FORBES: The New Republican Vision For Modern Social Safety Nets
It is much better to be poor in a society that has public and private safety nets in place.
Social services and state safety nets in the U.S. are more elaborate and sophisticated than they are in Brazil.
We think a capitalism that lacks outside moral influences and pressures, restraints and safety nets would, sooner or later, fail.
Though Mr Rutelli's plan offers safety nets to those hurt by liberalisation, someone will need to stiffen the government's resolve.
The Netherlands, Denmark and New Zealand have employment rates close to America's, yet also manage to maintain big safety nets.
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It is not surprising that the summit did little about biofuels, export bans or social-safety nets (which it hardly discussed).
Have the emotional safety nets in our communities become so frayed we need online social networks to fill in the gaps?
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The Democrats have turned themselves into the party of suburban complacency, against welfare handouts but in favour of middle-class safety nets.
Parents of the post-war generation are probably going to be fine, having social safety nets like defined-benefit pensions, Social Security and Medicare.
When this sort of thing happens, it makes the project of providing important safety nets and other public goods that much harder.
But that cosy world of safety nets has disappeared, for three reasons.
And these countries have little in the way of social safety nets.
Obviously this was discussed in that larger meeting, that we need to extend safety nets in terms of unemployment insurance and COBRA extensions.
The U.K., along with every rich nation, must reign in these excesses until their social safety nets protect the truly poor, but no one else.
Other developed countries have a very different arrangement, with significantly higher tax individual tax rates and stronger social safety nets, and significantly lower charitable-contribution rates.
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Euro-style social safety nets encourage Euro-style long term or structural unemployment.
FORBES: The Rise in Structural Unemployment in the US Recession
The major pharmas, however, have large quality programs that are highly integrated into their operations, serving as robust barriers and responsive safety nets against such disasters.
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We also need to improve our safety nets to help children at the lowest end of the socioeconomic ladder do better, even before they are born.
In America, which has one of the lowest social safety nets in the rich world, extending unemployment benefits was, rightly, part of the recent stimulus package.
As our civilization has aged, it has become obsessed with erecting economic guardrails, stringing safety nets, straightening curves and legislating Bubble Wrap around almost every conceivable mishap.
Social safety nets are much better developed than they were in the 1930s, which may make the poor less desperate and constrain their anger at the rich.
Relief from such pains will not come until the government has put in place social safety nets such as unemployment insurance as well as a job retraining scheme.