Ambos maestros aparecieron en la sala de conferencias donde les preguntamos por los detalles de su partida.
Martinez sits center stage, and to his right is Jhair Sala, who plays the cowbell and the bongos.
Soumpholphakdy is now part of the tourism boom, as owner of the trendy Hotel Sala Prabang, but I could see his point.
So, we can move to the Concept 2 measure, used for some time and best championed by Xavier Sala i Martin.
Los debates tuvieron lugar en una sala repleta de funcionarios y expertos.
UNESCO: Construir la paz en la mente de los hombres y de las mujeres
However, Xavier Sala-i-Martin, a professor in economics at Columbia University, says that Mas is simply "following the crowd" on calls for sovereignty.
On August 2nd prosecutors re-arrested Luca Sala, a former Bank of America employee who worked for Parmalat as chief liaison officer with that bank.
Tienen que convivir con fuerzas del Ministerio del Interior que llegan a la sala de emergencias para exigir que atiendan a su propia gente.
BBC: Mundo | Internacional | Dentro de un hospital de Bagdad
Surprisingly, over the same period global inequality has fallen, from 0.66 in the mid-1980s to 0.61 in the mid-2000s, according to Xavier Sala-i-Martin, an economist at Columbia University.
Maurizio Sala, creative director at Bitmama, led the project.
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The Bush Administration has reportedly tried to keep one of those people, Sala Abdullah Gosh, off the list, as he is considered a key ally in the war on terrorism.
On Tuesday the New York Public Library opened an exhibit of 300 Holocaust-era letters saved by Sala Garncarz, a Jewish woman who, as a teen, spent five years in the labor camps.
And there were two al fresco-dining options: a sala near the pool and a deck just back from the ocean, which the staff would turn into a restaurant for two on short notice.