Once the salience of the event declines so too will interest and motivation to change.
The salience detection network also may go awry in anxiety, schizophrenia and other conditions, says Dr. Uddin.
Still, inside them the idea of self-imposed exile has risen in salience: from a bluff to a plan B.
The problems are not new, but they have been given fresh salience by the fallout from the European Union's case against Intel (see article).
The issue of monarchy has contemporary salience for the independence debate.
Three Preconditions The anniversary of the vision speech is an appropriate moment to reflect on both the current status and abiding salience in particular of three of these caveats.
Despite the obvious and growing salience of this work program, the Institute has since its inception been the only public policy organization in the United States exclusively concerned with it.
The regulator's powers, which include the broader oversight of pension-scheme funding, have assumed a new salience because of the debt-fuelled stream of mergers and acquisitions of the past couple of years.
It also doesn't hurt that on some issues -- like the power of the Federal Reserve, the bailout of the banks and America's expensive wars overseas -- the questions Paul has been asking have gained in salience since 2008.
Stanford University researchers have suggested that a lack of response to emotionally meaningful information in the insula, a brain region at the hub of the salience network, can lead to a cascade of effects that result in inappropriate emotional displays.
Sir MICHAEL QUINLAN (British Defense Ministry): I see the theoretical case for brandishing the option of first use if anybody else uses biological or chemical weapons, but I think the realism of having to do that is very low, and it seems to me unfortunate at a time when everyone is expecting the five nuclear powers to downplay nuclear weapons, to reduce their salience.