If Sequesco can do what it says it can, fossil fuels might be more salvageable than we think.
He is trying to save what is salvageable of the American car industry.
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And if they are discovered to be salvageable, some may be back in the UK as early as spring 2013.
As one drives down the beach road, many residents have thrown out mountains of household items which are no longer salvageable.
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Will governments again wait until a salvageable situation worsens all the way into a severe crisis and they are forced to act in panic?
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Now that New Orleans has a shortage of homes and labour, fair-housing advocates say there is no good reason to keep salvageable public housing closed.
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Walking through the vibrant New Orleans of today, it is easy to forget that just a few years ago, many people wondered whether the city was even salvageable.
"We have salvageable patients we are going to lose because we can't get these people out of here, " said Dr. Jeffrey Williams, who is works in the intensive care unit.
As for us, we're hoping the company can pull something salvageable together from this mess and figure out a way to compete at a level of increasingly more difficult stakes.
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Actually, this Western-imposed economic malpractice is fast turning a monetary crisis into a solvency crisis that could endanger otherwise salvageable companies and financial institutions-and, more to the point, cut off our own expansion.
The lingering impact of Ramsey's photos of those abandoned subterranean spaces is how they revealed a still-salvageable vestige of New York, something that hasn't yet been torn down and turned into the generic and the banal.
His reputation seems salvageable.
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