Is there a pill for this twitch or a salve to slow this reflex?
FORBES: Say Hello To My Little Friend (Or How I Became The Web's Tony Montana)
Should we force them back to even worse lives in order to salve our consciences?
FORBES: After Conflict Minerals Comes The Death Metal: Tin. And It's Apple's Fault Again.
We are partial to the edelweiss lip balm, a protective salve made from the antioxidant-heavy alpine flower., though, is chock-full of reports and proves to be a much-needed salve to my tattered nerves.
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Value investing seemed to provide the perfect salve for the time, and attracted a legion of followers.
FORBES: Value Investing Getting Too Crowded? Another Golden Age Of Growth Investing Is On The Way
This is due to the almost habitual applications of lip balms such as Carmex or Smith's Rosebud Salve.
There are several on-site dining options, from sushi at Arrigato to Russian at Mutbak to Italian at Salve.
Wales' performance, if not the result, offered some salve to the home defeat in front of a disappointing crowd of 14, 505.
As always in such matters, truly free trade--as opposed to mercantilist extensions of state power--would be the greatest salve of all.
It's a minor penance, used by giant companies to shape their public images, or to salve the consciences of their higher-ups.
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The proffered salve for festering sovereign debt sores is increasingly concentrated power.
To salve your energy conscience, you also bought one of the stunning new efficient luxury hybrids--pricey, but it was a good year.
The lesson from these other countries is that marriage is not the all-powerful salve for poverty that some make it out to be.
FORBES: Bad Relationships Don't Stand in Poor Women's Way. Bad Policies Do.
The wealth effect, aided by rising stock, bond, and home prices from the March 2009 lows provide further salve for the wounds of the past.
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The title he took, however, did much to salve his conscience.
Bassoul also applied a salve, offering severance packages he claims exceeded both the law and Middleby's policy of one week of pay for every year of service.
This emphasis on lighting and the crowd culminated in the final execution scene: The nuns, wearing white shifts, spread out across stage, singing "Salve Regina" under brilliant light.
That debt burden, together with a still overvalued housing market, are reasons to worry about the prospects for the British economy even with the salve of lower rates.
Bags of money are the salve that heals everything, right?
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We do nothing more than give ourselves a temporary and false salve which can never repair the damage that has been done to our sense of ourselves, our beauty and our appetites.
CSEPP, as it is known, was passed by Congress to safeguard the communities surrounding chemical-weapons depots, partly to salve concerns over the risks of having to move and destroy the fragile stockpiles.
For Chrysler's part, it would get a few things it desperately needs, including vastly increased scale that would, in theory, help lower costs, and access to GM's sprawling overseas operations, which would salve Chrysler's overdependence on North America.
Most family lawyers of my acquaintance, as well as the majority of divorced couples, would acknowledge that the exchange of money at the time of divorce serves as a means to salve wounds or an instrument of revenge against disappointing spouses.
Tax reform promises to improve the opportunities of all while sponsoring less tax evasion, less distortion of investment priorities and less politically corrupting pursuit of loopholes, all of which are the certain and inevitable corollary of high tax rates enacted to salve inequality neuralgia.
BBC: El Papa Juan Pablo II falleci�� el pasado s��bado 2 de abril.