Kenagy says medicine needs the same type of modularity that drove down costs in the computer industry.
The outdoor ad business doesn't offer the same type of audience-targeting capabilities as online display.
We've engaged in this same type of debate a lot of times through our history.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Explains the Smart Grid and Economic Recovery | The White House
Credit life insurance costs more than regular life insurance for the same type of coverage.
CCDs are the same type of sensor used on digital cameras, so it's worth protecting.
In early May the same type of uptrend broke down, leading to a 13%-15% correction.
FORBES: Market Could Still Be Forming Head And Shoulders Top
The Tevatron is also seeing the same type of interesting particle events as the LHC.
The stack of black cards near the bottom are all the same type of Citi card.
What if no other areas will offer the same type of terrain and conditions, making 'compensation' impossible?
This is a type of electromagnetic wave (ie, the same type of wave as a light wave).
Italy could see the same type of government in place next week following votes on austerity packages.
FORBES: METALS OUTLOOK: Gold Expected To Continue To Rise Next Week
The group carefully pairs a cancer fighter with a mentor who had the same type of cancer.
After decades on Wall Street I have witnessed this same type of feeding frenzy many times.
FORBES: Apple's Ups And Downs Are A Classic Study In Momentum Investing
Autonomous cars are not the same type of thing as auto-pilot-airplanes flown by professional pilots in controlled airspaces.
FORBES: Design Guru Bangle on Samsung, Sharing Objects, and Cars That Negotiate
Your IRA might not have the same type of beneficiary payout options as annuities and life insurance do.
Her words are set in the same type as descriptions of her actions, whereas others' words are italicised.
Mint, owned by Quicken, is PageOnce's largest rival, with the same type of personal finance management and data security.
The same type of knowledge revolution is occurring in the social sciences today.
And so you go in -- England has a similar -- a variation on this same type of system.
Siminoff's shop uses the same type of math, called integer linear programming, that Wall Street uses to allocate portfolios.
Each electronic component, he decided, could be made of the same type of material and integrated into a whole.
The same type of question often comes up in regards to salary negotiation.
Estate agent Martin Lewthwaite said properties of the same type were in demand because they rarely went on the market.
The military distributed the same type of food rations in that country, which also were the same color as ordnance.
What if clients pick up the phone and ask to keep different beneficiaries for separate IRAs of the same type?
"The pitch will be the same type as was used in the latter part of last year, " a statement read.
When men and women with the same type of cancer were compared, that difference rose to more than 12 percent.
MSN: Men who have cancer more likely to die from it, study finds
Pincus believes Zynga can do the same type of cross-promotion on mobile games that it did on Facebook games.
This is the same type of obligation that a parent has when he or she signs her child up for school.
All your IRAs holding money rolled from employer pension plans count as the same type and must have the same beneficiaries.