Many travellers come to Tokyo to sample a forward-thinking city resplendent with myriad technical wonders.
It's not hard to find an excuse to sample some old favourite treats - chocolates in particular.
Many remember Joe Sample from his days in the early 1960s as a member of the Jazz Crusaders.
Wadsworth obtained a noni sample and tested its juice on a friend who had diabetes.
The success of two-year old subscription sample service Birchbox was not lost on Walmart.
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Sample test question: would you ever leave 6 children under the age of 12 unattended?
The really surprising news was the 24.4% of the sample sans a debit card.
Sample a glass or two here, or bring a bottle back upstairs for a post-dinner drink.
The relatively small sample had been narrowed down from an initial group of 217 people.
The image was taken after the sample was transferred from the drill to the rover's scoop.
The researchers had a huge sample and so even small effects could be identified.
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Usually, the results would be compared against a national sample to determine gifted status.
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The sample was small but the results, when they are verified, will be huge.
Each one does not mirror the vote in a state but the sample collectively does.
Order a sample platter so you can try everything from pale ale to organic lager.
This frigid state is required for the instrument's detectors to sample the faintest of infrared sources.
It's great for developers, and fairly simple to get started using the provided sample code.
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The second sample is a piece of dolomite (a rock made of calcium magnesium carbonate).
We estimate that about 5 to 8 percent of a random sample of children have ADD.
Check out an interactive sample of the shutter speed control's benefits after the break.
We then have to get a couple of days' worth of sample results back.
Fuado Otsuka then brought a large sample tile to Europe to show Claude Picasso, Pablo's son.
Whatever the reason, it happened before the earliest Stuxnet sample was discovered (June, 2009).
FORBES: Dragons, Tigers, Pearls, and Yellowcake: 4 Stuxnet Targeting Scenarios
The figures for Italy and Spain were 13% and 11% (Greece was not in the sample).
They measure sample ears, noting any evidence of corn borer, root worm or hail damage.
They also possess the most colourful histories in town and have best vintages to sample.
It wasn't the rodents, 80% of the sample population, that drew the hook into Huntingdon.
So there we are - an unrepresentative sample of two males holding diametrically opposing views.
Based on any audio sample, the shape of the design represents the audio waveform.
With a day to play with, you can sample the best of what is on offer.